No person shall discharge or cause to be discharged to the wastewater treatment system any of the following described substances, materials, waters or wastes (as determined at point of discharge):
   (A)   Any liquid or vapor having a temperature higher than 150° F. (65° C.) or containing heat in amounts which will inhibit biological activity in the sewage treatment plant.
   (B)   Any water or wastes containing floating oils, fat, or grease or containing more than 50 milligrams per liter of petroleum oil, nonbiodegradable cutting oils, or products of mineral oil origin.
   (C)   Any water or wastes containing dissolved gases (such as H2S, sulfur oxides, nitrogen oxides and ammonia) in concentrations sufficient to cause poisonous or toxic fumes or wastewater, or a malodorous of harmful condition.
   (D)   Any ashes, cinders, sand, mud, straw, shavings, metal, glass, rags, feathers, tar, plastics, wood, asphaltic materials, cement or concrete, paunch manure, hair and fleshings, entrails, lime slurry, lime residues, beer or distillery spent grains, chemical residues, paint residues, cannery waste bulk solids, or any other solid or viscous substances, in amounts capable of causing obstruction to flow in, or interference with the proper operation of a wastewater treatment works.
   (E)   Any water or wastes that contain phenols in excess of 0.50 mg/l. These limits may be modified if the aggregate of contributions throughout the metropolitan area of service create treatment difficulties, or produce wastewater treatment plant effluent discharges to receiving waters which may be prohibitive.
   (F)   Any water or wastes, acid or alkaline in reaction and having corrosive properties capable of causing damage or hazard to structures, equipment, or personnel of the district. The acidic or alkaline character of such wastes must be neutralized at all times to within the permissible range of pH, which range is between 6.0 and 9.0. Violation of this requirement is subject to penalty of $100 for each 1.0 pH unit over or under the permissible pH range of 6.0 to 9.0 and each violation shall be considered a separate offense; provided, however, that to constitute a violation, the illegal flow shall be continuous for the following time periods:
      30 minutes for pH 5.9 to 5.0 or 9.1 to 11.0
      15 minutes for pH 4.9 to 4.0 or 11.1 to 12.0
       5 minutes for pH 3.9 to 2.5 or 12.1 to 13.0
       1 minute for pH less than 2.5 or greater than 13.0
      (1)   The City Council may assess the penalties for such violations and add such penalties to the users charges and fees.
      (2)   Such penalty shall not be construed as liquidated damages and shall accrue in addition to any liability for any consequential damages resulting from the violation for which the penalty is imposed.
   (G)   Any water or wastes containing objectionable or toxic substances to such degree that any such material received in the composite wastewater at a wastewater treatment plant exceeds the limits established by the Operator to comply with the objectives presented in § 51.001. The city reserves the right to establish more stringent limitations or requirements on discharges to the wastewater disposal system if deemed necessary to comply with the objectives presented in § 51.001.
(Ord., passed 7-13-87) Penalty, see § 51.999