(A)   The public mandate for national clean waters resulted in the passage by Congress of the Federal Water Pollution Control Act Amendments of 1972 (PL 92-500). The Act set into motion a vast federal endeavor to improve the sewer systems and wastewater treatment plants of the nation's municipalities through a construction grant program. The city, in order to do its part in achieving the national clean water goals, has by necessity elected to participate in the grant program.
   (B)   Among the goals of these rules and regulations are:
      (1)   Prevention of the introduction of pollutants into the municipal wastewater system which will interfere with the operation of the system including interference with its use or disposal of municipal sludge.
      (2)   Prevention of the introduction of pollutants into the municipal wastewater system which will pass through the system, inadequately treated, into receiving waters or the atmosphere or otherwise be incompatible with the system.
      (3)   Improved opportunity to recycle and reclaim wastewaters and sludges from the system.
      (4)   Equitable distribution of the cost of the municipal wastewater system.
   (C)   In order to implement the above requirements, these rules and regulations provide the city with legal authority to control and monitor the wastewaters discharged to the public wastewater treatment system under its management.
   (D)   This control, along with other controls effected by these rules and regulations herewith presented, is necessary not only to conform to federal and state laws and regulations, but also to provide for the consistent, reliable, and efficient functioning of the city's wastewater treatment system.
   (E)   All rules and regulations have been checked and approved by the city, County of Gallatin, Commonwealth of Kentucky, for conformity with city orders and/or city administrative and policy regulations.
(Ord., passed 7-13-87)