Outdoor Pay Telephones
767.01    Definitions.
767.02    General prohibition on placement.
767.03    Contracts with outdoor pay telephone owners; public right-of-way and public property.
767.04    Registration of outdoor pay telephones.
767.05    Public nuisance; removal of outdoor pay telephones.
767.06    Appeal.
767.07    PUCO regulations.
767.99    Penalty.
Telecommunications harassment - see GEN. OFF. 537.10
Threatening or harassing telephone calls - see GEN. OFF. 537.11
   As used in this chapter:
   (a)    "Director" means the Director of Public Safety or the Director's designee.
   (b)    "Outdoor pay telephone" means any self-service, coin-operated, or credit card- operated telephone which is available at all hours for use by the general public and:
      (1)   Is located outside of a building or structure which is used for residential or commercial purposes in addition to the use of the telephone; and
      (2)   Is available for use at all times by the general public.
"Outdoor pay telephone" shall include outdoor pay telephone booths and stands, outdoor pay telephone drive-up and walk-up units, and outdoor pay telephones which are affixed to the exterior walls of a building or structure.
   (c)    "Owner" means a person in whom is vested ownership, dominion, control or title of an outdoor pay telephone.
   (d)    "Person" means any individual, firm, partnership, association, corporation, company, organization or legal entity of any kind.
   (e)    "Public Property" means all City-owned or leased property.
   (f)    "Public right-of-way" means any way which has been deeded to the public or dedicated to the public use for pedestrian or vehicular travel.
   (g)    "PUCO" means Public Utilities Commission of Ohio.
   (h)    "Special telephone service features" include the blocking of incoming calls to a telephone, installation of rotary telephones or telephones that do not permit "touch tone" dialing, restricted coin access to a telephone during late evening and night hours, and such other service features as are acceptable to the Director.
      (Ord. 1996-56. Passed 6-18-96.)