763.01 Authority to install alarms.
763.02 Fire and intrusion alarms.
763.03 Connection to Police or Fire Station.
763.04 Local alarms.
763.05 False alarms.
763.06 Equipment requirements; operation and service.
763.07 Permit fee.
763.08 Signs.
763.09 Automatic dialing devices prohibited.
763.10 Rules and regulations.
763.11 Liability of City.
763.99 Penalty.
False alarms - see GEN. OFF. 509.07
Any residence or business located within the City may be equipped with an emergency alarm for the purpose of detecting and signaling the presence of a fire or unauthorized intrusion at such location upon compliance with this chapter.
(Ord. 1986-19. Passed 3-4-86.)
No person shall install, or allow to be installed, any alarm covered by Section 763.03 which detects both fire and unauthorized intrusion unless such unit shall also be capable of transmitting a signal for fire different from the signal for unauthorized intrusion in a manner in which the person monitoring the alarm can readily ascertain whether the signaled cause is fire or unauthorized intrusion.
(Ord. 1986-19. Passed 3-4-86.)