   Pursuant to I.C. 8-1.5-5, there is hereby created a utility district which shall include all of the territory within the corporate boundaries of the county that is not located in a municipality.
(BC Ord. 2006-12, passed 7-26-06; Am. BC Ord. 2012-19, passed 5-29-12; Am. BC Ord. 2012-27, passed 8-27-12)
§ 33.85 FUNDING.
   Funding for the Department of Stormwater Management's activities may include, but shall not be limited to, the following:
   (A)   Stormwater user's fees.
   (B)   Civil penalties and damage assessments imposed for or arising from the violation of the county's stormwater management ordinances.
   (C)   Soil and erosion control plan permit fees.
   (D)   Compliance inspection fees.
   (E)   Taxes levied pursuant to I.C. 8-1.5-5 or other relevant authority.
   (F)   Revenue bonds issued pursuant to I.C. 8-1.5-5.
   (G)   Other funds or income obtained from federal, state, local, and/or private sources as provided by law or from grants, or revolving funds.
(BC Ord. 2006-12, passed 7-26-06; Am. SWM Ord. 2007-01, passed 8-29-07; Am. BC Ord. 2012-19, passed 5-29-12; Am. BC Ord. 2012-27, passed 8-27-12)
   (A)   Stormwater user's fee established.
      (1)   There shall be imposed on each and every property in the county outside of a municipality, except exempt property, a stormwater user's fee, which shall be set from time to time by ordinance or resolution, and in the manner and amount prescribed by this subchapter.
      (2)   Prior to establishing or amending user's fees, the county shall advertise its intent to do so by publishing notice in a newspaper of general circulation in the county pursuant to I.C. 5-3-1.
   (B)   Soil and erosion control plan permit fee.
      (1)   There shall be imposed on each and every property being developed in the town, a soil and erosion control plan permit fee, which shall be set from time to time by ordinance or resolution, and in the manner and amount prescribed by this subchapter.
      (2)   Prior to establishing or amending the soil and erosion control plan permit fee, the county shall advertise its intent to do so by publishing notice in a newspaper of general circulation in the county pursuant to I.C. 5-3-1.
   (C)   Compliance inspection fee.
      (1)   There shall be imposed on each and every property in the county outside of a municipality, a compliance inspection fee, for inspections necessitated because of a violation of any provision of this subchapter, which shall be set from time to time by ordinance or resolution, and in the manner and amount prescribed by this chapter.
      (2)   Prior to establishing or amending the compliance inspection fee, the county shall advertise its intent to do so by publishing notice in a newspaper of general circulation in the county at least 30 days in advance of the meeting pursuant to I.C. 5-3-1.
(BC Ord. 2006-12, passed 7-26-06; Am. BC Ord. 2012-19, passed 5-29-12; Am. BC Ord. 2012-27, passed 8-27-12)
§ 33.87 BUDGET.
   (A)   The Stormwater Management Board shall prepare a budget for the operation of the Department on an annual basis. The budget shall set forth the estimated revenues and costs for operations and maintenance, extension and replacement, debt and other revenue and costs provided by law. The budget shall contain funds to maintain the Indiana Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) – NPDES Permitting Program 327 IAC 15-13 and shall include but not limited to:
      (1)   General administration;
      (2)   Public education and outreach;
      (3)   Public participation and involvement;
      (4)   Illicit discharge detection and elimination;
      (5)   Construction site runoff control;
      (6)   Post-construction site runoff control;
      (7)   Pollution prevention and good housekeeping; and
      (8)   Tracking and monitoring stormwater quantity into the sanitary storm sewer system and into county legal drains.
   (B)   The budget shall be subject to approval by the County Council and any issuance of bonds or other methods for making capital improvements shall be approved by the Stormwater Management Board and the County Council as provided by law.
(BC Ord. 2006-12, passed 7-26-06; Am. BC Ord. 2012-19, passed 5-29-12; Am. BC Ord. 2012-27, passed 8-27-12)
   There is hereby established a Warrick County Tourism Commission (hereinafter, the “Commission”) to promote, assist and encourage the development and growth of the convention, visitor, recreation and tourism industries in Warrick County, Indiana.
(BC Ord. 2017-33, passed 12-11-17)
   (A)   The Commission shall consist of nine members who shall be nominated as follows:
      (1)   Four members shall be nominated by the Board of Commissioners of Warrick County, with no more than three members affiliated with the same political party;
      (2)   Three members shall be nominated by the Warrick County Council, with no more than two nominations affiliated with the same political party;
      (3)   One member shall be nominated by the Mayor of the city, as provided by I.C. § 6-9-18-5; and
      (4)   One member shall be nominated by the President of the Town Council of the town; and
   (B)   All nominations to the Commission shall be submitted to the board of Commissioners by January 1 of each year, and are subject to the approval of the Board of Commissioners who shall appoint those nominated to serve after verifying membership criteria and eligibility as provided below in § 33.92. The Board of Commissioners shall take all efforts to appoint Commission members to insure the membership will best serve the tourism interest of Warrick County.
(BC Ord. 2017-33, passed 12-11-17)