   (A)   There is hereby established, pursuant to I.C. 36-8-3-20, the County Sheriff’s Reserves, which shall be known as the Sheriff’s Reserve Unit.
   (B)   The maximum members of said reserve unit shall be 25.
   (C)   The Sheriff’s Department shall establish rules defining the authority of said police reserves prior to the appointment of any members to said unit.
(BC Ord. CO-1982-2, passed 12-6-82; Am. BC Ord. 2011-21, passed 9-12-11)
   (A)   There is hereby imposed a fee for any vehicle inspection made by the Sheriff’s Department, or any member thereof, pursuant to I.C. 9-29-4-2. Such fee shall be payable by the person requesting such inspection, and it shall be paid at the time the inspection is made. Upon payment of such fee, the person making an inspection shall issue a receipt therefor.
   (B)   The amount of the fee established in division (A) above shall be $5. In addition, in the event that arrangements are made for an inspection other than at the Sheriff’s Department, and in the event that either the vehicle to be inspected or the person requesting such inspection is unavailable at the time and place agreed for the inspection, then the fee shall nonetheless be payable whether or not the inspection is completed. An additional fee shall be payable at any subsequent time at which the inspection is actually made.
   (C)   Nothing herein shall be construed to require the County Sheriff or any member of the County Sheriff’s Department to travel to any location out of the county to make any such inspection.
   (D)   All fees collected pursuant to this section shall be payable to the county; shall be delivered forthwith upon receipt to the office of the County Auditor; and shall be deposited by the Auditor in the County Sheriff’s Department Vehicle Inspection Fund to be expended therefrom for equipment for the Sheriff’s Department or Sheriff’s Department personnel.
(BC Ord. 1988-10, passed 4-25-88)
   (A)   The Sheriff’s Sale Program is approved and established to provide the procedure for the Sheriff to contract for those administrative, technical, clerical and related services that are reasonable and appropriate for the Sheriff to effectively prepare for, manage and implement foreclosure sales.
   (B)   The Commissioners hereby establish a fund to be titled the Sheriff’s Sale Fund into which all collections of Foreclosure Costs Fees, as hereafter defined, shall be deposited and from which the appropriate expenses of the Sheriff’s Sale Program shall be appropriated and paid. In consideration of the substantial amount of travel and vehicle expenses incurred by the Sheriff as part of the administration of the program, appropriate expenses of the Sheriff’s Sale Program shall include expenses related to vehicle purchase and maintenance and fuel. The Sheriff’s Sale Fund shall be a non-reverting fund to be used only for the purposes set forth herein and shall not revert to the County General Fund at year end.
   (C)   The Sheriff is authorized to negotiate and execute a contract with a provider to obtain such administrative, technical, clerical and related services (the “Sheriff’s Sale Program Agreement”) in order for the Sheriff to conduct the Sheriff’s Sale Program.
   (D)   The Sheriff’s Sale Program Agreement shall provide for the delivery of such services by a contractor in compliance with all applicable statutory provisions for the conduct of foreclosure sale proceedings and the Sheriff’s Sale Program. The Sheriff’s Sale Program Agreement shall also provide for the payment of an administrative fee pursuant to I.C. 32-29-7-3(c) and (h), not to exceed $200 per parcel for each parcel scheduled in the Sheriffs Sale Program, to the contractor for such services.
   (E)   The Sheriff is hereby authorized to charge a fee of $200 per parcel of property in the Sheriff’s Sale Program and to deposit such foreclosure costs fees collected by or on behalf of the Sheriff in the Sheriff’s Sale Fund.
   (F)   The foreclosure costs fee shall be payable at the time of filing the praecipe under I.C. 32-29-7-3(h), which shall be a charge for the Sheriff’s Sale in addition to other statutory costs and fees.
   (G)   The Sheriff’s Sale Program Agreement shall provide for a complete and accurate accounting of all Sheriff’s Sale Program proceeds and compliance with any reporting or record requirements as set forth by the Indiana State Board of Accounts.
(BC Ord. 2005-17, passed 8-24-05; Am. BC Ord. 2012-29, passed 9-24-12)
   (A)   Established. Pursuant to I.C. 36-2-13-5.6, the County Board of Commissioners hereby establishes the “Warrick County Sex and Violent Offender Administration Fund.” The purpose of the fund is to defray the expense of administering and/or enforcing compliance with the laws concerning the Indiana Sex and Violent Offender Registry.
   (B)   Fees.
      (1)   Registration fee. The annual fee for sex or violent offenders registering in the county shall be $50. Payment of the fee shall be made upon the offender's initial registration in the county and subsequently on or before each annual registration date.
      (2)   Change of address fee. A fee of $5 shall be charged and collected each time a sex or violent offender registers an address change with the County Sheriff’s Office.
   (C)   Payment of fees. All fees collected under this section shall be collected by the County Sheriff’s Office when a sex or violent offender registers and/or changes an address with the County Sheriff’s Office.
   (D)   Procedures. All fees collected under this section by the County Sheriff’s Office shall be transferred to the County Auditor in a timely manner. On a monthly basis, the County Auditor shall:
      (1)   Transfer and deposit 90% of any fees collected under this section into the County Sex and Violent Administration Fund; and
      (2)   Transfer 10% of any fees collected under this section to the state for deposit in the State Sex and Violent Offender Administration Fund under I.C. 11-8-8-21.
(BC Ord. 2015-10, passed 4-13-15)
   Funds and fees, see Ch. 37
   (A)   A booking fee of $50 is hereby established for those persons lodged in the Warrick County Jail who have been convicted in the Warrick County Circuit or Superior Court for a crime for which the person is to be incarcerated or held in the Warrick County Jail.
   (B)   The booking fee collected by the Warrick County Sheriff’s Office shall be deposited into the county’s general revenue account under the Sheriff’s booking fee line item to help pay for the medical expenses for inmates lodged in the Warrick County Jail.
   (C)   Fees deposited into the county’s general revenue account under the Sheriff’s booking fee line item shall be used by the Warrick County Sheriffs Office to help cover medical expenses for inmates lodged in the Warrick County Jail, including but not limited to, the purchase of supplies, equipment or for training purposes as deemed necessary by the Warrick County Sheriff’s Office.
   (D)   This section shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage by the Warrick County Board of Commissioners and following publication of the same in accordance with I.C. §§ 5-3-1 et seq.
(BC Ord. 2016-20, passed 10-10-16)
   (A)   That a public safety emergency exists pursuant to I.C. 36-8-10-6 due to the exhaustion of the pool of qualified candidates for deputies of the Warrick County Sheriffs Department where the Warrick County Sheriff is hereby granted emergency powers to appoint qualified deputy candidates pursuant to statute until the Warrick County Sheriff deems the emergency to end;
   (B)   The powers granted the Warrick County Sheriff is made to promote public safety and conserve the peace; to repress, prevent, and detect crime; and to apprehend criminals;
   (C)   The Board of Commissioners of Warrick County authorize the Warrick County Sheriff to expend already budgeted funds from the Warrick County Sheriffs Department current year budget for the deputy salaries for the individuals so appointed by the Sheriff, and authorizes the Sheriff to encourage the deputies so appointed to apply through the normal employment process for probationary employment as soon as the Warrick County Sheriff determines the emergency has ended; and
   (D)   The Warrick County Sheriff shall immediately report to the Board of Commissioners when the emergency has ended at which time the powers granted in this section shall terminate.
(BC Res. 2017-05, passed 1-23-17)