The Director of Public Service and Safety is hereby empowered to:
(a) Designate any street or highway as a through street or highway and require that all vehicles stop or yield the right of way as may be required before entering the same; or in residence districts designate certain streets or highways or portions thereof not to be through streets or highways despite the erection of stop signs or other official traffic control devices at intersecting streets.
(b) Designate any intersection as a stop intersection and require all vehicles to stop at one or more entrances to such intersection.
(c) Designate any intersection as a yield intersection and require all vehicles to yield the right of way as required.
(d) Designate any street as a one-way street and require that all vehicles thereon be moved in one specific direction.
(e) Designate and mark lanes to be used by traffic moving in a particular direction regardless of the center line of the roadway.
(f) Erect signs directing slow-moving traffic to use a designated lane or allocating specified lanes to traffic moving in the same direction.
(g) Designate those portions of any street, where overtaking and passing other traffic or driving to the left of the center or center line of the roadway would be especially hazardous, by appropriate signs or markings on the street to indicate the beginning and end of such zones. Such zones may be marked by an auxiliary yellow line placed parallel and to the right of the normal center line or offset marked lane line.
(h) Place markers, buttons or signs within or adjacent to intersections and require that a specific course of direction be traveled by vehicles proceeding in lanes by either permitting, prohibiting or requiring turns at such intersections.
(i) Install traffic control devices, signals and signs at any location to regulate traffic.
(j) Establish safety zones, crosswalks, zones of quiet and play streets.
(k) Close any street or portion thereof to vehicular traffic which is in the process of construction, reconstruction or repair.
(l) Determine the location of any necessary bus stops and taxicab stands.
(m) Determine the location and limiting hours of truck loading zones.
(n) Designate dangerous railroad crossings and erect stop signs thereat.
(o) Erect "No U Turn" signs at any location to prohibit a vehicle from being turned so as to proceed in the opposite direction.
(p) Regulate or prohibit the stopping, standing and parking of vehicles on streets, alleys or public property by erecting signs plainly indicating the prohibitions, restrictions or limitations.
(q) Designate individual parking spaces by markings, which may either be parallel or at a prescribed angle to the curb or edge of the roadway.
(r) Designate truck routes and streets or parts thereof where either a weight limit restriction or truck exclusion has been imposed by rule or regulation provided such is not in conflict with any legislation.
(s) Erect signs to prohibit a right turn against a steady red signal at any intersection.
No provision of this chapter shall be effective until signs, signals, markings or other devices giving notice of such local traffic regulations are posted upon or at the entrance to the street or part thereof affected, as may be most appropriate, so that in a proper position they are sufficiently legible to be seen by an ordinarily observant person. No traffic control regulation promulgated by the Director of Public Service and Safety shall be effective until Council has been notified of such regulation.
Notwithstanding the provisions of this chapter, the traffic control regulations promulgated by the Director of Public Service and Safety pursuant to the authority granted herein shall be effective for a period of ninety days. Council may keep any such regulation effective by the adoption of legislation after obtaining, whenever feasible, the recommendation of the Traffic Commission. In addition, Council may override any decision of the Director of Public Service and Safety and may assume any of the powers delegated to the Director. Upon adoption of any such legislation, the same may be changed only by amending or repealing legislation adopted by Council.
Except as otherwise provided, any person violating the rules and regulations promulgated in connection with this chapter is guilty of a misdemeanor which shall be classified as provided in Section 303.99.