(a)    All railroad companys operating within the City are herewith ordered and required to improve, repair, repave, maintain and keep in repair, good and sufficient crossings over, or approaches to their respective railways, their tracks, side tracks and switches at all points where any public highway, street, lane, avenue, alley, road or pike is intersected by their respective railway, its tracks, side tracks or switches, including good and sufficient sidewalks, on both sides of streets, intersected by their respective roads, the full width of the right of way owned, claimed or occupied by each respective railroad company named herein or their successors and assigns.
(1953, §29.13)
   (b)    The improvements including the sidewalks required by subsection (a) hereof shall be either paved with stones, gravel, boulders or reinforced concrete slabs, metal plates or wooden asphaltic pavement, as may be deemed proper, and approved by the Director of Public Service and Safety and the City Engineer.
(1953, §29.14)
   (c)    The Director of Public Service and Safety is hereby required to serve a written notice to the respective railroad companies ordering, describing and setting forth the kind, extent and time of the improvements.
(1953, §29.15)
   (d)    Upon failure of any railroad company, notified as provided in subsection (c) hereof to make such improvements within a period of thirty days after receiving the written notice thereof, the Director of Public Service and Safety shall cause the improvements to be made as ordered and shall recover the cost of such improvement with interest thereon.
(1953, §29.16)
   (e)    In the event any railroad company shall refuse to pay the cost of improvements under the provisions of subsection (d), with interest thereon, then in that event, the Director of Public Service and Safety shall certify the same to the City Solicitor, who shall institute a civil action against the railroad company in the name of the City.
(1953, §29.17)