It shall be an offense for any person, firm or corporation to operate or maintain a hog pen, cow lot, horse lot, outhouse, or any other nuisance within the city limits, or so closely adjacent to the boundaries thereof as to constitute a hazard to the health of the inhabitants thereof. (Ord. 416 §1, 1976: prior code §13-102)
It is unlawful for any person, without first securing the written permit of the health department of the city, to dump or deposit any manure, garbage, offal or other refuse matter on any public or private grounds within the city, or to haul or carry from the city and dump or deposit any such materials within one-half (1/2) mile of the city limits, for the purpose either of filling low ground or of disposing of the materials or for any purpose whatsoever, and any person who is convicted either of hauling or dumping such materials on any public or private grounds within the city, or on such grounds within one-half (1/2) mile outside such city limits, or any owner or occupant of lands or lots who knowingly permits such throwing or dumping upon his premises, or who permits such materials to remain on his premises after being notified to remove the same by the health department, or any other officer of such city, whether he knew of or permitted such throwing or depositing or not, shall be fined. (Ord. 416 §1, 1976: prior code §13-103)
A. It is unlawful and an offense for any person to litter within the corporate limits of the city.
B. "Littering" is defined as throwing any trash, refuse, wastepaper, cans, bottles, or any other object or substance whatever upon the public streets, alleys, roadways and sidewalks of the city or upon any real property owned or occupied by another. (Ord. 562 §3, 1983)
A. It is unlawful and an offense for any person, firm or corporation occupying any real property, either as tenant or owner, to allow accumulated trash, wastepaper, litter objects, bottles, cans or any other used or disposed of objects to be carried from the occupied premises, either by the wind, elements or otherwise to any adjoining or other real estate not so owned or occupied by the offender. (Ord. 562 §4, 1983)
It is unlawful and an offense for any person, firm or corporation to permit the emission of any obnoxious, injurious or offensive odors, dust, fumes or smoke from any premises, machinery, smokestacks, boilers or chimneys owned, operated, occupied, controlled or leased by such person, firm or corporation, or of any such odors, fumes, dust or smoke which by reason of the nature thereof annoy any person or persons, or injuriously affect the health of any person or persons, or interfere with the peaceable enjoyment of the home, residence or premises of any person or persons, or are a menace to the public peace, health or safety. (Ord. 416 §1, 1976: prior code §13-105)
It is an offense for any person, firm or corporation to dump raw sewage on the top of the ground or into barrow ditches within the city limits, or adjacent thereto, or so close thereto as to constitute a health hazard to the inhabitants thereof. (Ord. 416 §1, 1976: prior code §13-106)