This section 8.04.150 shall be known and may be cited as the WARR ACRES GRAFFITI ERADICATION ORDINANCE. (Ord. 1041 §1, 2007)
The council of Warr Acres hereby makes the following findings:
A. That unsightly graffiti on public and private property within the city is detrimental to the beauty of our community;
B. That graffiti on public and private property within the city is often related to criminal street gang activity, with graffiti being used to convey information to gang members and mark gang territory;
C. That gang related graffiti often provides a catalyst for gang related criminal violence within the city;
D. That gang related graffiti constitutes a growing blight on and a substantial detriment to the health and safety of the residents of our community; and
E. That by reason of the foregoing findings, graffiti constitutes a public nuisance to our community. (Ord. 1041 §1, 2007)