The I-1 Limited Industrial District and the I-2 Industrial District are established in order to achieve, among others, the following purposes:
(a) To provide a convenient and sufficient zoning districts for industrial activities and for the production, distribution, and exchange of goods and services in order to serve and promote the economic development of the Village.
(b) To protect residential neighborhoods adjacent to industrial uses by restricting the types of uses, particularly at the common boundaries, which would create congestion, noise or other objectionable influences beyond the district boundaries and by separating and insulating residential districts from the most intense industrial activities.
(c) To establish performance standards, and setback regulations to ensure that industrial development is compatible with adjacent uses.
(d) To accommodate wholesale, warehouse, assembly, processing and other limited industrial uses, including storage and related activities, that operate with a minimum of noise, glare, odor, dust, vibration, air and water pollution, fire and safety hazard or any potentially nuisance characteristic and which do not detrimentally affect adjacent residential zoning districts.
(Ord. 2009-17. Passed 9-15-2009.)
(a) Uses Permitted by Right. A use listed in Schedule 1270.02 shall be permitted by right as a principal use in a district when denoted by the letter "P" provided that all requirements of other Village ordinances and this Zoning Code have been met.
(b) Conditional Uses. A use listed in Schedule 1270.02 shall be permitted as a conditional use in a district when denoted by the letter "C", provided the Planning Commission first makes the determination that the requirements of Chapter 1294 have been met according to the procedures set forth in Chapter 1258.
(c) Accessory Uses. A use listed in Schedule 1270.02 shall be permitted as an accessory use in a district when denoted by the letter "A". Such use shall be permitted as a subordinate building or use when it is clearly incidental to and located on the same lot as the principal building or use. Accessory uses are further regulated in subsequent sections of this Zoning Code.
(d) Schedule 1270.02 Permitted Uses in Industrial Districts.
I-1 Limited Industrial District1 | I-2 Industrial District | |
(1) Offices and Services | ||
A. Office, administrative/professional | P | P |
B. Service establishment, business | P | P |
(2) Sales and Supplies | ||
A. Plant nursery/greenhouse | P | P |
B. Sales, service, repair and/or storage of farm implement, construction equipment, recreation vehicles, or other large equipment | C | P |
C. Wholesale sales & distribution, indoor | P | P |
(3) Hotel | C | C |
(4) Gasoline Station | C | C |
(5) Restaurant | C | C |
(6) Storage and Distribution | ||
A. Outdoor storage (general) of materials | P | |
B. Outdoor storage of equipment | C | P |
C. Outdoor storage of fleet vehicles for operation of principal use | P | P |
D. Self storage facility, indoor | P | P |
E. Transport and truck terminal | P | |
F. Warehousing | P | P |
(7) Automotive/Transportation | ||
A. Motor vehicle body shop | P | P |
B. Vehicle repair garage | P | P |
(8) Manufacturing, Processing, Research and Assembly | ||
A. Assembly and production facility utilizing products from previously and elsewhere manufactured materials | P | P |
B. Carpentry, cabinet, and machine shop | P | P |
C. Food and drink preparation, processing and storage | P | P |
D. Scientific research, development, training & testing facility | P | P |
(9) Community Facilities/Other | ||
A. Public safety facility | P | P |
B. Public service/maintenance facility | C | P |
C. Utility substation/distribution facility, indoor | C | P |
D. Wireless telecommunication facility | See Chapter 1278 | |
(10) Accessory | ||
A. Accessory building | A | A |
B. Fences and walls | A | A |
C. Garbage and rubbish disposal facilities | A | A |
D. Lunchrooms/cafeterias, restaurants, and recreational facilities in association with a permitted principal use2 | A | A |
E. Daycare Centers | A | A |
F. Off-street parking and loading facilities | A | A |
G. Other accessory structures | A | A |
H. Signs | A | A |
(11) Adult Oriented Business | See Chapter 1288 | |
Notes to Schedule 1270.02: | ||
1 All activities associated with the permitted use, except off-street parking and loading, shall be carried on within entirely enclosed buildings, unless otherwise specifically permitted in this chapter. No noise, smoke, glare, vibration, or odor shall be detected outside such buildings. | ||
2These uses shall be permitted by-right when part of a multi-establishment building, and it is not the principal use a building. If the use is proposed to be the principal use in any building (i.e. occupying the majority of gross floor area), then the use is a conditional use. | ||
P = Permitted by right C = Conditional A= Accessory | ||
Blank Cell = Use not permitted in district | ||
(Ord. 2009-17. Passed 9-15-2009.)
(a) All lots within the Industrial Districts shall comply with the minimum requirements set forth in Schedule 1270.03.
(b) Schedule 1270.03 Minimum Lot Requirements for Industrial Districts.
Lot Requirements | I-1 Limited Industrial District1 |
I-2 Industrial District |
(1) Minimum lot size | One Acre | One Acre |
(2) Minimum lot width at building line | 150 ft. | 150 ft. |
(3) Maximum building coverage | 40% | 40% |
(Ord. 2009-17. Passed 9-15-2009.)