1292.01 Purpose.
1292.02 Parking facilities required.
1292.03 Units of measure.
1292.04 Off-street parking standards.
1292.05 Location of required parking spaces.
1292.06 Reduction in required parking.
1292.07 Off-street waiting spaces for drive-thru facilities.
1292.08 Parking design standards.
1292.09 Regulations for access drives.
1292.10 Off-street loading requirements.
1292.11 Construction standards.
1292.12 Maintenance and storage standards.
1292.13 Parking lot landscaping and screening.
1292.14 Maintenance of parking areas.
Off-street parking regulations are established to achieve, among other reasons, the following:
(a) To relieve congestion so streets can be utilized more fully for movement of vehicular traffic;
(b) To promote the safety and convenience of pedestrians and shoppers by separating parking areas and extensive car movements in the vicinity of pedestrian ways;
(c) To protect adjoining residential neighborhoods from on-street parking;
(d) To promote the general convenience, welfare and prosperity of residential, business, service and manufacturing developments that depend on off-street parking facilities;
(e) To provide regulations and standards for the development of accessory off-street parking and loading facilities in accordance with objectives of the Master Plan and codes of the Village; and,
(f) To provide for accommodation of vehicles in a functionally and aesthetically satisfactory manner and to minimize external effects on adjacent land uses.
(Ord. 2009-17. Passed 9-15-2009.)
Accessory off-street parking facilities, including access driveways, shall be provided prior to the occupancy of a building or use. Facilities shall be provided for the entire building or use in accordance with the regulations contained in this chapter whenever:
(a) A building is constructed or a new use is established.
(b) The use of an existing building is changed to a use requiring more off-street parking facilities.
(c) An existing building is altered and there is an increase in seating capacity, floor area of the building, or number of employees.
(Ord. 2009-17. Passed 9-15-2009.)