§ 130.06 GAMBLING.
   Any person who engages in gambling in any form with cards, dice, or other implements or devices of any kind wherein anything valuable is wagered upon the outcome or who keeps any establishment, place, equipment, or apparatus for such gambling or any agents or employees for such purpose or any person who knowingly lets any establishment, structure, place, equipment, or apparatus for such gambling is guilty of a misdemeanor. The game “Bingo,” as defined in SDCL § 22-25-23, or “lottery,” as defined in SDCL § 22-25-24, may not be construed as gambling or as a lottery within the meaning of this section provided that said Bingo and lottery comply with SDCL § 22-25-25. Pull tabs and/or instant tickets may not be considered as gambling within the meaning of this section provided said pull tabs and instant tickets comply with SDCL Chapter 22-25.
(Prior Code, § 9.04.080) (Ord. 90-3, passed - -)
Statutory reference:
   Related provisions, see SDCL §§ 22-25-23 through 22-25-25 and Chapter 22-25