Offenses Against Peace, Decency, and Morals
130.01 Unlawful assembly
130.02 Indecent exposure
130.03 Disorderly conduct
130.04 Automobile noise
130.05 Noise pollution
130.06 Gambling
130.07 Loitering, panhandling, and begging
130.08 Minor prohibited from on-sale liquor premises
130.09 Curfew
Offenses Against Public Safety and Authority
130.25 Assault and battery
130.26 Firearms
130.27 Refusal to assist authority
Offenses Against Property
130.40 Graffiti prohibited
130.41 Garbage and material in streets
130.42 Larceny
130.43 Injury to property
130.44 Climbing or interfering with city structures
130.99 Penalty
Alcohol-related prohibited conduct, see § 112.03
Health and sanitation; nuisances, see Chapter 92
Prohibited conduct in parks, see § 94.19