§ 130.99 PENALTY.
   (A)   Any person violating any provision of this chapter for which no specific penalty is prescribed shall be subject to § 10.99 of this code of ordinances.
   (B)   Any person who violates any provision of § 130.05 shall be subject to a fine for each offense of $125 plus court costs, and each subsequent violation in the same calendar year shall result in an increase in the fine of $25 per subsequent violation (such as $125 for the first offense, $150 for the second offense, $175 for the third offense, and so on, plus court costs). If the violation is of a continuing nature, each day during which it occurs shall constitute an additional, separate, and distinct offense.
(Prior Code, § 9.04.070)
   (C)   Any violation of the provisions of § 130.07 is punishable by imprisonment for not more than 30 days or by fine, not to exceed $200, or by both.
(Prior Code, § 9.04.090)
   (D)   The owner of any property that graffiti has been placed upon, in violation of § 130.40, shall remove or cover such graffiti within a 72-hour period. Any person failing to remove or cover such graffiti within the stated time frame shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and shall pay a fine not to exceed $100 per SDCL § 9-19-3.
(Prior Code, § 9.20.010)
(Ord. 09-3, passed 4-9-2009; Ord. 09-13, passed 10-5-2009)
Statutory reference:
   Related provisions, see SDCL § 9-19-3