General Provisions
   51.01   Interference with waterworks property prohibited
   51.02   All work to be done by licensed plumber
   51.03   Usage regulations
   51.04   Administration and enforcement
   51.05   Cross-connection control
   51.06   Potable specifications
Applications for Service; Connections
   51.20   Application required
   51.21   Permit issuance; security deposit
   51.22   Water services; separate water meter and tapping fee required
   51.23   Metering multiple dwellings or businesses
   51.24   Connections, fixtures town property
   51.25   Construction of connection
   51.26   Separate connection required; exceptions
   51.27   Connection inspection
   51.28   Deposit by tenants required
   51.29   Water line extensions
Rates and Charges; Billing
   51.45   Water sold on meter basis only; exceptions
   51.46   Use of water for fire protection
   51.47   Tapping charges
   51.48   Discounts for vacancies
   51.49   Necessary stoppage; no discounts
   51.50   Schedule of water rates
   51.51   Bills due and payable; delinquencies
   51.99   Penalty