Off-Street Parking and Loading
1183.01   General requirements.
1183.02   Parking space dimensions.
1183.03   Loading space requirements and dimensions.
1183.04   Paving.
1183.05   Drainage.
1183.06   Maintenance.
1183.07   Lighting.
1183.08   Location of parking spaces.
1183.09   Screening and landscaping; parking area capacity.
1183.10   Required trash areas.
1183.11   Disabled vehicles.
1183.12   Minimum distance and setbacks.
1183.13   Joint use.
1183.14   Wheel stop device.
1183.15   Driveways.
1183.16   Access and access drives.
1183.17   Alley ingress and egress.
1183.18   Signs.
1183.19   Striping and marking.
1183.20   Handicapped parking.
1183.21   Drive-up stacking area.
1183.22   Maneuvering.
1183.23   Parking lot requirements.
1183.24   Private residential parking.
1183.25   Parking space requirements.
1183.26   Parking and storage of vehicles and trailers.
1183.27   General interpretations.
1183.28   Plot plan review.
Off-street parking facilities -see Ohio R. C. 717.05 et seq.
Parking generally -see TRAF. Ch. 351