(a) Location and Paving:
(1) Single-family and two-family residence parking shall be on the driveway, garage apron, or similar all-weather paved surface, directly adjacent to the driveway, and not on the front lawn nor other front yard landscaped open space not designed for parking.
(2) All other use parking shall be on all-weather paved parking lots, which lots are set back from property lines, except where they are interconnected across property lines, to allow space for landscaped areas and screening made up of fences, landscaping, or combinations thereof.
(3) Paving shall normally consist of concrete, asphalt, or paver brick, which surfaces shall be maintained to keep them from deterioration which affects drainage flow or generates dust.
(4) Landscaped areas around parking lots and along residential drives measured to the property line shall be no less in width than the smallest side or rear yard space required by the zoning district for accessory structures, but in no case less than five feet. For the purposes of this regulation, perimeter driveways, and queuing or service lanes shall be considered parking lots and subject to providing a landscaped area, and screening as set forth in (b) following.
(b) Screening.
(1) Within the landscape area defined in the section preceding, for all uses other than single-family and two-family residence drives, but including such residences in the yard where a boat or recreational vehicle is legally parked, there shall be provided continuous screening to a height of no less than three feet, which screening shall consist primarily of landscaping such as hedges, shrubs, mounded flower beds, and trees, but may also include fences in combination with landscaping.
(2) Outdoor Product Display: Uses which utilize outdoor display of products sold on the premises such as auto sales shall not be exempt from this requirement, but the Planning Commission may permit grouping of the screening, along the street property line, to allow for corridors of less obstructed view of the product.
(Ord. 11-07. Passed 7-18-07.)