(a)   No part of any parking area for more than ten vehicles shall be closer than twenty feet to any dwelling unit, school, hospital, or other institution for human care located on an adjoining lot, unless separated by an acceptably designed screen. If on the same lot with a one- family residence, the parking area shall not be located within the front yard required for such building. In no case shall any part of a parking area be closer than five feet to any established street or alley right-of-way.
   (b)   For residential uses, access drives shall have a minimum side yard of three feet from the boundary lines of adjoining properties. For non-residential uses, access drives shall have a minimum side yard requirement of 25 feet and a minimum rear yard requirement of 40 feet. The wall or hedge required in Section 1183.09 hereof shall be set back from each street, the same as if it were a building wall, so as to observe the front yard requirements of this Ordinance.
(Ord. 11-07. Passed 7-18-07.)