Deadly Weapons and Concealed Handguns
32.01 Unlawful to display weapon
32.02 Prohibited while in or about county-owned building; posting
32.03 Exclusions
32.15 Prohibiting smoking and the use of tobacco products and vapor products in county buildings, in county vehicles, on county grounds, and in indoor public places
Identity Theft Red Flag Rules
32.20 Title
32.21 Purpose
32.22 Enactment
32.23 Definitions
32.24 Identity theft prevention program
32.25 Establishing a covered account
32.26 Access to covered account information
32.27 Credit card payments
32.28 Identifying red flags
32.29 Prevention and mitigation of identity theft
32.30 Updating the program
32.31 Program administration
32.32 Vendor and service providers