Open Space and Parks Advisory Committee
30.001 Creation and appointment
30.002 Duties
Human Services Board
30.025 Created
30.026 Composition and appointment
30.027 Officers
30.028 Powers and duties of Board
30.029 Human Services Agency and Director
30.030 Effective date
County Library
30.045 Title
30.046 Creation
30.047 Library, authority
30.048 Library Commission, authority
30.049 Continuation of the Board of Trustees as the Library Commission
30.050 Real property of library
30.051 Effective date
Planning Board
30.065 Established
30.066 Purpose
30.067 Duties
30.068 Meetings, rules and records
30.069 Compensation and expenses
30.070 Membership, terms, vacancies and officers
30.071 Effective date
Emergency Management Agency, see Chapter 70
Historic Preservation Commission, see Chapter 151
The Open Space and Parks Advisory Committee is hereby created, consisting of 11 members (one appointed by each commissioner, three at-large appointments, one member of the Soil and Water Conservation District Board) serving two-year terms. Initially, five will be for one year and five for two years, to create staggered terms.
(Ord. – , passed 8-4-2003)
Statutory reference:
County parks and recreational programs, see G.S. §§ 153A-444, 160A-350 et seq.
National Park, Parkway and Forests Development Council, see G.S. §§ 143B-446 et seq.
State forests and parks, see G.S. §§ 113-29 et seq.
State Parks and Recreation Council, see G.S. §§ 143B-324.1 through 143B-324.3
The Open Space and Parks Advisory Committee shall have the following duties:
(A) Keep the Board of Commissioners and the general public fully informed of its activities at all times;
(B) Advise and make recommendations to the Board of Commissioners from time to time with respect to parks, recreation, and open space programs, facilities, resources, and needs of the county;
(C) Recommend development of parks, recreation, and open space programs designed to serve equitably all citizens of the county without regard to race, age, sex, creed or national origin;
(D) Advise in the coordination of county parks and open space programs and facilities with that of private, public or semi-public agencies;
(E) Upon request of the Board of Commissioners, recommend any useful actions pertaining to acquisition, lease, sale, exchange, gift, grant or bequest of real property for parks, recreation, or open space purposes;
(F) Cooperate fully with all departments and agencies of the county government to the fullest extent possible commensurate with resources available;
(G) Foster, promote and encourage the development of appropriate, wholesome parks, recreation and open space facilities with the county by the public and private sectors; and
(H) Perform such other duties assigned by the Board of Commissioners.
(Ord. – , passed 8-4-2003)
Pursuant to the authority granted by Chapter 690 of the 1995 Session Laws of the state (the Enabling Act), being G.S. § 153A-77, the Board of Health, Board of Social Services and the Mental Health, Developmental Disabilities and Substance Abuse Services Board of the county are hereby consolidated into the County Human Services Board, which Board is hereby created.
(Ord. O-96-18, passed 7-8-1996)
(A) The Board shall be composed of members appointed by the Wake County Board of Commissioners pursuant to G.S. § 153A-77, as from time to time amended.
(B) The Board reserves the right to name ex-officio members when state requirements establish local advisory bodies who must report to and act upon the authority of the Board. The Board, at its discretion, may name one officer of the newly required body as an ex-officio member of the Board until that body is dissolved, or until such time as the Board desires to nominate the ex-officio member to fill a vacancy on the Board in the regularly prescribed manner.
(Ord. O-96-18, passed 7-8-1996)