Each lot and building envelope within a Conservation Development shall have sufficient access to ensure safe and efficient traffic flow and reasonable ingress and egress for emergency vehicles. To this end, the street requirements for Conservation Developments are as follows:
   (a)   Private Streets. Private streets may be approved when the Village determines that:
      (1)   The private street is not planned or expected to be extended to serve property outside the Conservation Development.
      (2)   Adequate utility easements are provided to the satisfaction of the Village and the utilities.
      (3)   The design and layout of the private street provides adequate and safe access to the intended units.
      (4)   A private street with single access shall provide access to no more than fifteen (15) dwelling units.
   (b)   Required Improvements. All improvements required for a subdivision shall be constructed or provided in accordance with the standards set forth for streets in Section 1105.04.
      (Ord. 2011-14. Passed 4-9-12.)