No improvements shall be made unless and until all necessary plans, profiles, and specifications therefor, and the preliminary plat, have been submitted to and approved by the city and also the County Engineer, in the case of lands outside the city. The improvements shall be of such sizes, capacities and amounts as are required for the development of the proposed subdivision and of extra sizes as may be necessary to serve nearby land which is an integral part of the neighborhood service or drainage areas. The subdivider shall be required to extend, or petition for the extension of, the improvements to serve adjoining unsubdivided land. If streets or utilities are not available at the boundary of a proposed subdivision, the Planning Commission may require the subdivider to construct, or petition for the construction of, off-site extensions of the improvements. Procedures for providing any necessary public lands, extra-size and off-site improvements and general standards for prorating costs are set forth in § 153.053.
   (A)   General The minimum requirements which a subdivider shall be required to make in a subdivision prior to approval of the final plat shall be as prescribed in the foregoing provisions. All these improvements shall be carried out in full compliance with the following: this chapter, or the regulations of the state, county or city and the specifications for each of the various units of work as required by the City Engineer, Director of Public Service, County Engineer, and County Health Department, according to the nature of the improvements.
   (B)   Grading. The subdivider shall grade, or petition for the grading of each subdivision in order to establish street and sidewalk grades, floor elevations of buildings, and lot grades in proper relation to each other, and to existing topography and natural features within and adjacent to the subdivision, such as existing roads, drives, walks, buildings, trees, ditches, swales, channels, creeks, and the like.
   (C)   Streets.
      (1)   The type of thoroughfare required shall be such as meets the Land Use and Thoroughfare Plan of the city. All street improvements shall conform to engineering standards, details and specifications as set forth in the City Engineering Rules and Regulations. All improvements shall be installed according to the approved plans on file in the office of the City Engineer.
      (2)   The Planning Commission may consider variances to minimum right-of-way widths and other improvements required by these regulations when the development plan proposed clearly meets the design standards for such subdivision and the variance is in conformance with §§ 153.070 through 153.076.
   (D)   Curbs and gutters. Curbs and/or curb and gutters shall be Portland cement concrete and shall conform to the specified typical in the Engineering Rules and Regulations, which conforms to the specified thoroughfare type in this § 153.052.
   (E)   Sidewalks. The location, width and thickness of sidewalks shall conform to the specified typical in the Engineering Rules and Regulations, which conforms to the specified thoroughfare type in this § 153.052.
   (F)   Storm sewers. All storm sewers and drainage improvements shall conform to engineering standards, details and specifications as set forth in the Storm Management Regulations, which is a part of the Engineering Rules and Regulations. In addition:
      (1)   A storm sewer shall be designed and constructed as required for the drainage area in which the proposed subdivision is located for the proper drainage of the surface water of the subdivision and each lot.
      (2)   Where a public storm water sewer is reasonably accessible, as determined by the Planning Commission, the storm sewers to be constructed shall be connected with such storm drainage system and such grading and such drainage structures as may be required shall be provided.
      (3)   If the subdivision is in an area where a public storm water system is not available, such grading and such drainage structures as may be required to connect to downstream storm sewers or drainageways shall be provided.
      (4)   Whenever the construction of streets and necessary storm water systems in a subdivision is such that direction of storm water flow is diverted to affect surrounding properties, the subdivider shall obtain sufficient drainage easements to provide adequate disposal of the storm water.
      (5)   The subdivider may be required to deed in fee, dedicate or grant an easement to the city for a drainage channel not less in width than required by existing topography along the watercourse.
   (G)   Sanitary sewers. All sanitary sewers improvements shall conform to engineering standards, details and specifications as set forth in the Engineering Rules and Regulations, and the General Rules and Regulations Covering the Control and Use of Sanitary Sewers and Treatment Facilities. In addition:
      (1)   Sanitary facilities shall be designed and constructed as required for the area in which the proposed subdivision is located for the proper disposal of wastes for each lot.
      (2)   If a subdivision can be reasonably served by the extension of an existing public sanitary sewer, as determined by the Planning Commission, a system of sanitary sewer mains and lateral connections for each lot shall be provided.
      (3)   If a subdivision cannot be reasonably served by the extension of an existing public sanitary sewer, as determined by the Planning Commission, then the Commission may permit the design and construction of an independent sanitary system including a primary and secondary treatment plant and a house connection for each lot, provided that such system is designed and the plant so located that it can be integrated into future sewers planned or programmed for the area and the temporary treatment plant abandoned when public sewers are installed.
      (4)   If a subdivision cannot be reasonably served by the extension of an existing public sanitary sewer, as determined by the Planning Commission, individual septic tanks may be installed on lots of the size required by the Zoning Code if soil percolation tests have indicated a reasonable useful life for such disposal method. No subdivision consisting of more than five sublots that intends to use septic tanks shall be permitted to platted within an area around the city, located within one-half mile of city limits, without the express permission of Council. It is the declared policy of the Planning Commission and Council to discourage use of septic tanks within any area of close proximity to the city to prevent pollution and future health hazards upon the expansion of the city.
      (5)   The Planning Commission shall require the construction of sanitary sewers and laterals for house connections, all of which are to be capped if the construction of sewers is not planned or programmed for the subdivision.
      (6)   In addition to the above requirements, any subdivision not located on a public sanitary sewer system shall submit plans to the County Board of Health and meet regulations and licensing requirements of the County Health District.
   (H)   Water supply. All water supply and distributions facilities shall conform to engineering standards, details and specifications as set forth in the Engineering Rules and Regulations, and the General Rules and Regulations for Water Service. In addition:
      (1)   A water system shall be designed and constructed as required for the area in which the subdivision is located and a supply provided for each lot.
      (2)   Where a public water supply is within reasonable distance, as determined by the Planning Commission, a system of water mains shall be constructed and connected with such public water supply and connection for each lot shall be provided.
      (3)   If a subdivision cannot be reasonably served by the extension of the existing public water supply, as determined by the Planning Commission, the Commission may permit the installation of a community water supply to serve each lot.
      (4)   In subdivisions consisting of five or more lots, where public water supply is not available, the subdivider shall provide for a test well for such subdivision and provide the Planning Commission with evidence of adequate well water for the subdivision prior to approval of the plat.
      (5)   No subdivision shall be permitted within 500 feet of the city limits that intends to use water wells where city water lines would be available upon proper annexation to the city by the land contained in the proposed subdivision. It is the declared policy of the Planning Commission to prevent future health hazards upon expansion of the city.
   (I)   Monuments. Centerline monuments and all property corners shall be set in accordance with the State Minimum Standards set forth in O.A.C. Chapter 4733-37, the Medina County Engineer Survey Standards, and the current City Engineering Rules and Regulations.
   (J)   Street trees. It is the intent of this chapter that trees are to be planted in newly developed areas of the city. It shall be required that subdividers plant trees along public streets in such manner, type and location as approved by the Shade Tree Commission of the city. In lieu of planting such trees, the subdivider may pay to the city the current fee, established by the Director of Public Service, for each lot in the subdivision, based on the front footage of the lot, including sides of corner lots. Such fee may be used for the planting, care, replacement, trimming and pruning of street trees.
(‘65 Code, § 1383.03) (Ord. 3-80, passed 3-18-80; Am. Ord. 98-96, passed 9-3-96; Am. Ord. 98-013, passed 7-7-98; Am. Ord. 99-039, passed 5-18-99; Am. Ord. 02-035, passed 4-23-02; Am. Ord. 08-026, passed 6-3-08; Am. Ord. 13-009, passed 3-19-13)