This title shall be enforced by the zoning administrator, acting at the direction of the chief administrative officer. It shall be a violation of this title for any person to change, or permit to be changed, the use of the land, buildings or structures, or erect, move or structurally alter any building or structure until a building permit has been obtained, under the following conditions: (Ord., 11-1-1983; amd. 2005 Code)
   A.   Application For Building Permit: Every application for a building permit shall be accompanied by:
      1.   A plat drawn to scale, showing the plot, showing the exact size, shape and dimensions of the lot to be built upon, the exact size and location on the lot of all easements of record or in use, the exact size and location on the lot of all existing buildings and structures, and the exact size and location on the lot of the structure or building proposed to be built, repaired, altered, erected, or moved, and the size, arrangement, number of parking stalls, movement of vehicles and ingress and egress drives for all off street parking and loading facilities, if such be for a business, commercial or industrial building.
      2.   A declaration of the existing or intended use of each existing and proposed building or structure on the lot and the number of families and housekeeping units which each existing building accommodates and which each existing and proposed building is designated to accommodate.
      3.   Additional information relating to the proposed improvement needed to determine compliance with these regulations.
      4.   A survey, prepared by a competent surveyor in the state of Oklahoma, of the boundaries of the lot on which the improvement is proposed to be located shall be required by the zoning administrator where the boundaries of the lot are not clearly defined by the survey pins and monuments.
      5.   The zoning administrator shall be a person who, in the judgment and opinion of the city council, is competent by reason of building experience to properly cause inspections to be made and to determine whether permits should be granted. The inspector shall serve by appointment of the city council and his term shall begin upon the adoption of this title and one year thereafter and shall continue to serve unless removed by the city council, who may remove without cause.
      6.   All applications shall be considered filed with the building inspector by the filing of the same with the city clerk who shall deliver such application to the building inspector. (Ord., 11-1-1983)
   B.   Fee: Whenever any structure or building is to be erected, moved or structurally altered, a building permit shall first be obtained from the building inspector. The cost of such permit shall be thirty dollars ($30.00). (Ord., 11-1-1983; amd. 2005 Code)
   C.   Certificate Of Occupancy: No change shall be made in the use of any land, building or structure after the adoption of this title until a certificate of occupancy is obtained from the city clerk certifying that all of the provisions of this title are complied with. Whenever a building permit is issued for the erection of a new building or structure, an occupancy permit shall not be required, except where the use of the building or structure is changed from that for which the permit is issued or where the intended use is not clearly stated on the building permit. (Ord., 11-1-1983)