(A)   Before filing a grievance, a complainant may seek informal resolution by contacting the appropriate town department supervisor. If the informal concern is not resolved in a timely fashion, persons may file a formal grievance under this procedure. Grievances are to be filed as soon as possible, within 60 calendar days of the alleged discrimination.
   (B)   The grievance must be in writing on the town’s grievance form; the grievance form is available at Town Hall.
   (C)   If assistance is needed in completing the grievance form, assistance will be provided upon request. Contact the ADA Coordinator for assistance.
   (D)   Once the grievance form is completed, it can be mailed to, or hand delivered to, the following address: ADA Coordinator, Town Hall, 305 Walnut Street, Vevay, IN 47043.
   (E)   (1)   After receiving the grievance, the ADA Coordinator will investigate the alleged discrimination within 30 calendar days. The investigation may include the complainant and any other person(s) the ADA Coordinator believes to have relevant knowledge concerning the grievance. The ADA Coordinator may also consider any written evidence submitted.
      (2)   After completing the investigation, the ADA Coordinator will review the factual information gathered and present the grievance and his or her findings to the Board of Public Works and Safety at their next scheduled public meeting. The ADA Coordinator will inform the complainant of the meeting date, time, and location so that the complainant may attend if he or she wishes.
      (3)   After the Board of Public Works makes a decision regarding the grievance, the ADA Coordinator will then provide the complainant a written response within 14 calendar days of the Board of Public Works meeting.
   (F)   If the complainant is not satisfied with the written response, he or she may submit an appeal within 21 calendar days of receipt of the response. All appeals must be submitted in writing to the Board of Public Works and Safety at the following address: Town Hall, 305 Walnut Street, Vevay, IN 47043. Within 30 calendar days after receipt of an appeal, the ADA Coordinator will meet with the complainant to discuss a resolution. Within 21 calendar days after that meeting, the ADA Coordinator will respond with a final resolution. If the complainant is not satisfied with the results of the appeal, he or she may file a complaint with the appropriate agency or department of the state or federal government. Contact the U.S. Department of Justice for information about how to file a complaint with these agencies (www.ada.gov). Using this grievance procedure is not required prior to pursuing any of the other remedies. However, in the interest of a prompt and amicable resolution of the grievance, the town encourages the complainant to use this procedure in addition to any other available alternatives he or she may chose.
(Prior Code, § XIII.1)