EDITOR'S NOTE: This chapter was previously titled "Cable Television Advisory Commission." The name of the public agency, and thus the title of this chapter, was changed to the Cable Television Board by Ordinance 95-73, passed December 6, 1995.
286.01 Definitions.
286.02 Establishment.
286.03 Members.
286.04 Compensation.
286.05 Organization.
286.06 Meetings.
286.07 Duties.
Cable television contracts - see Ohio R.C. 505.90, 505.91
Interrupting or impairing television - see Ohio R.C. 2909.04
Political advertising - see Ohio R.C. 3517.13, 3599.09
Franchises - see PREL. UNIT, Table A
Division of Utilities - see ADM. Ch. 234
Prosecutions for theft of utilities - see GEN. OFF. 642.26
Utilities generally - see S.U. & P.S. Ch. 1040