Off-Street Parking and Loading
EDITOR'S NOTE: Chapter 1276, previously a codification of Ordinance 66-103, passed December 19, 1966, and Ordinance 85-79, passed January 20, 1986, was repealed and re-enacted by Ordinance 97-58, passed September 8, 1997.
1276.01   Intent.
1276.02   General provisions and requirements.
1276.03   Construction and use specifications.
1276.04   Loading space requirements.
   Overnight parking in residential districts - see TRAF. 440.11
   Parking of commercial and heavy vehicles - see TRAF. 440.11, 440.12
   Parking generally - see TRAF. Ch. 452
   Yard parking of vehicles in residential areas - see TRAF. 452.18
   Off-street parking and loading for gamerooms - see B.R. & T. 850.14
   Parking in R-5 Districts - see P. & Z. 1270.07(d)(7)
   Off-street parking in R-6 Districts - see P. & Z. 1270.08(l)
   Off-street parking near docks or piers - see P. & Z. 1282.14