In all zoning districts, off-street parking facilities for the storage or parking of self-propelled vehicles for the use of occupants, employees, and patrons of buildings erected, altered or extended after the effective date of this Zoning Code (Ordinance 66-103, passed December 19, 1966) shall be constructed and used as herein prescribed:
(a) Parking lots or areas adjacent to public streets shall have driveways or openings not to exceed thirty-five feet in width at the curb line. All such lots or areas shall have a protective wall or bumper block at least five feet from any sidewalk line, and such lots shall be designed so that all vehicles leaving the facility will be traveling forward to approaching traffic. Detailed plans shall be submitted for approval of all curb cuts or driveway openings in commercial and manufacturing districts before a building permit may be obtained therefor.
(b) Entrances, exits or driveways shall not be computed as any part of a required parking lot or area.
(c) Additional off-street parking and loading regulations for commercial and industrial districts are as follows:
(1) Any vehicle parking space in a commercial or industrial district shall be used for parking only. Any other use of such space, including repair work or servicing of any kind other than in an emergency, shall be deemed to constitute a separate commercial use in violation of the provisions of this Zoning Code.
(2) No building or structure of any kind shall be erected in any off-street parking space except a parking garage containing parking spaces equal to the requirements of this section.
(3) No signs shall be displayed in any such vehicle standing space except signs to direct the orderly use of such space.
(Ord. 2003-45. Passed 10-20-03.)
(4) The design of all off-street parking facilities and means of access thereto shall be subject to approval of the Planning Commission. Each plan, when filed for review and approval, shall bear the stamp or seal of a professional engineer. The filing fee for the review of any off-street parking facility shall be one hundred fifty dollars ($150.00), plus a $500 deposit.
A. Additional funds must be deposited anytime the review fees submitted fall below 25% of the original required amount. The additional funds must be equal to 50% of the original required amount.
B. Any funds remaining after all review costs have been deducted shall be refunded to the applicant upon completion of all reviews and approval of the project.
(Ord. 2009-12. Passed 3-16-09.)
(Ord. 2009-12. Passed 3-16-09.)
(5) The vehicle parking space on any lot, as set forth and designated in this Zoning Code, shall be deemed to be required open space on such lot, in addition to any yard space required by the provisions of this Zoning Code, and shall not be reduced or encroached upon in any manner.
(6) All parking spaces, entrances and aisles shall be surfaced by one of the following means:
A. Parking lot pavement may be plain concrete without mesh or reinforcement and shall be a minimum of five inches thick. Concrete shall be mixed and delivered according to ASTM C94 Specifications for Ready-Mixed Concrete. Concrete shall meet the following requirements.
1. A minimum compressive strength of 4,000 psi at twenty-eight days. Local aggregate No. 57 topsize. An air content of six, plus or minus two percent. Slump shall be five inches maximum for hand placement, three inches maximum with machine. Concrete shall be properly placed on the prepared subgrade, adequately consolidated and struck off to proper elevation. Concrete shall be placed continuously to prevent the formation of "cold joints." Wherever placing operations stop, a bulkhead shall be installed to form a straight joint. The sequence of finishing operations shall be strikeoff and consolidations, floating (if necessary), straight edging and texturing.
2. The pavement shall be jointed to control cracking. Longitudinal and transverse joint spacings shall be at regular intervals. Individual spacings may vary slightly to meet catch basin and manhole castings.
NOTE: The required joint spacings are ten feet to twelve feet for five-inch slabs; twelve feet to fifteen feet for six-inch slabs; and fifteen feet to eighteen feet for seven-inch slabs.
3. Contraction joints shall be made by sawing, tooling or installing an approved insert to a depth of one-fourth of the slab thickness. Sawed joints shall be cut as soon as possible without ravelling the concrete. In warm weather, joints shall be cut on the day of pour.
4. Full depth expansion (isolation) joints, one-quarter to one-half inch thick, shall be installed only to isolate fixed objects. These fixed objects include existing pavements, sidewalks, castings and structures.
B. Parking lot pavement may be asphalt concrete and shall meet the requirements of the latest edition of the Ohio Department of Transportation, Construction and Material Specifications. Materials are as follows:
1. Subgrade shall be prepared and compacted to meet the requirements of ODOT Item 203. Eight inches of aggregate base meeting the requirements of ODOT Item 304 shall be placed in two four-inch courses.
2. Prior to application of the asphalt concrete, a prime coat meeting the specifications of ODOT Item 408 shall be applied at the rate of 0.4 gallons per square yard of compacted base.
3. The leveling course shall be a minimum compacted thickness of 1.5 inches of asphalt concrete meeting the requirements of ODOT Item 403.
4. The surface course shall be a minimum compacted thickness of 1.5 inches of asphalt concrete meeting the requirements of ODOT Item 404. (Ord. 2003-45. Passed 10-20-03.)
C. Any other hard-surfaced material approved by the City Engineer.
(Ord. 2011-84. Passed 11-21-11.)
(7) In all commercial districts, a minimum area of 300 square feet per motor vehicle shall be allowed in computing the total area to be devoted to parking. Parking stalls shall be a minimum of ten feet in width and twenty feet in length. Parking stalls designated as handicapped parking spaces shall be a minimum of fifteen feet in width and twenty feet in length. Entrance and drive aisles shall be a minimum of twenty-four feet in width.
(8) Surface water drainage must be addressed in all off-street parking areas. All such lots must have a system of storm drainage facilities which will include a grading plan designed to include a slope of one percent minimum.
(Ord. 97-58. Passed 9-8-97.)
(d) Owners may obtain permits for and subsequently install off-street parking spaces parallel to certain uncurbed roadways based on the following standards and criteria:
(1) The minimum size of the parking space shall be 10 feet x 20 feet. Tapers from the edge of the roadway will be constructed in accordance with accepted standards and the total width of the parking area will not exceed the lot frontage.
(2) The parking area will not be located within 2 feet of a sidewalk.
(3) The pavement for the parking area shall be constructed in accordance with City standards and shall meet the following minimum requirements:
A. Subgrade shall be prepared and compacted to meet the requirements of ODOT Item 203. Six inches of aggregate base meeting ODOT Item 304 shall be placed and compacted.
B. Prior to installation of asphalt, a prime coat application meeting ODOT Item 408 shall be applied. The application rate shall be 0.4 gallons per square yard.
C. The intermediate course of asphalt shall be a minimum compacted thickness of 1 ½ inches and shall meet the requirements of ODOT Item 402.
D. The surface course of asphalt shall be a minimum compacted thickness of 1 1/4 inches and shall meet the requirements of ODOT Item 404.
(4) Parking areas shall be located in such a manner as not to obstruct access to driveways or mailboxes.
(5) Surface water runoff must be addressed in all parking areas. Where required a system of storm sewer basins or piping will be necessary.
(Ord. 2003-45. Passed 10-20-03.)