(A)   The owner of a dog, cat or other animal shall be subject to penalty herein provided if the said animal:
      (1)   Runs at large contrary to the provisions of § 90.09;
      (2)   Causes annoyance or disturbances to any person by frequent and habitual barking, howling, yelping, hissing, meowing or fighting;
      (3)   Defecates on property other than that of the owner;
      (4)   Defaces, scratches or mars any personal property other than that of the owner of said animal;
      (5)   Trespasses upon any property where food or drink is sold, unless provided for otherwise under statute; and/or
      (6)   Violates any provision of this chapter or state law applicable.
   (B)   No person shall aid or cause any animal, whether owned by such person or not, to escape confinement or impoundment, whether such confinement or impoundment be upon such person's property or that of another, by opening any gate, door or window, by making an opening in any fence, enclosure or structure, or by unleashing such animal.
   (C)   It shall be the duty of every person owning or having the custody or control of an animal to physically restrain the animal within an enclosure or upon a leash when such animal is left unattended outside or is not at heel. The animal must be restrained so as to prevent the animal from leaving the premises of its owner or from coming in contact with public right-of-way or the property of another. Failure to restrain an animal pursuant to the foregoing shall constitute a misdemeanor.
   (D)   It shall be prohibited for any person in any manner to interfere with any employee or designated representative of the city, so as to hinder, delay or prevent his or her executing his or her duties in relation to the matters and things contained in this chapter.
   (E)   (1)   It is unlawful for any person owning, controlling or caring for any animal to fail to keep in a clean and sanitary condition the premises and any pen, kennel, shelter, house or person's dwelling or other structure where the animal is at any time kept.
      (2)   At least once every 24 hours or more often if odors or health problems arise, such person shall pick up any and all feces so as to prevent its accumulation and same shall be properly disposed of. Feces shall be held in water-tight and fly-tight containers pending disposal and shall be disposed of at least once weekly.
      (3)   The animal and place where the animal is maintained shall also be kept free of obnoxious odors and shall be maintained so as not to attract or permit the harborage or breeding of flies and other insects or rodents or other vermin.
      (4)   All animal food and water shall be stored and placed for the animal's consumption in such a manner so that it will not become food for rodents and other vermin.
   (F)   It is unlawful for any owner or other person to abandon, turn loose or leave any animal within the corporate limits of the city or so that the animal may find its way into the corporate limits of the city, or to abandon or leave any animal upon or in any premises unattended for a period in excess of three calendar days. A community cat caregiver returning a community cat to its original location is deemed exempted to this section as part of the trap-neuter-return program.
(Ord. 2012-02, passed 2-7-2012; Am. Ord. 2022-08, passed 6-28-2022) Penalty, see § 90.99