(a)   General.
      (1)   When the owner or the designated agent of a property within the Overlay District desires to make any changes other than ordinary maintenance in accordance with the requirements of this chapter, such owner or agent shall comply with the provisions of this chapter and shall first secure a Certificate of Appropriateness from the Design Review Board, unless such property is exempted in accord with Section 1112.04(b) of this chapter.
      (2)   Before a permit is issued for the construction, reconstruction or alteration of any building and/or development and redevelopment of property in the Overlay District in compliance with the requirements of this chapter, a detailed site plan, building plans, and elevations and such other information necessary to determine compliance with the standards of the Overlay District shall be submitted to the Design Review Board for review and approval.
      (3)   Applications for Certificate of Appropriateness shall be filed with the Building-Zoning Inspector who shall, prior to the issuance any permits, refer the application to the Design Review Board for approval, approval with conditions, or denial.
      (4)   The Design Review Board shall meet at its regularly scheduled and advertised meeting and shall consider the application. The Design Review Board shall make every effort to render a decision during its meeting. However, depending of the nature of the application, the Design Review Board may delay such decision in order to more fully investigate the aspects of the application and/or consider additional information. In such cases, the Design Review Board shall render a decision within fourteen working days from the time it convened during the first meeting to review the application.
   (b)   Application Process. The application for a development and/or changes in the Overlay District shall be made by the property owner or his/her authorized agent and shall be processed as follows:
      (1)   A pre-application meeting shall take place at the Urbana Municipal Building between the applicant the Building/Zoning Inspector and the chairman of the Design Review Board in order to discuss the proposed project, the applicable design guidelines, the necessary documents to be submitted with the application, application review procedures, the schedule for Design Review Board meeting, and application fees. The purpose of the pre-application meeting is to assist the property owner in understanding what is expected, and in facilitating the preparation of the application. The applicant shall bring information and documentation to adequately describe the location of the property, the nature, scope, and extend of the proposed changes, time schedule, and any other information which will assist in determining if a review is required and what documentation should be submitted with the application.
      (2)   Following the pre-application meeting, all applicants who wish to proceed shall formally apply to the City's Building/Zoning Inspector for application review by the Design Review Board and for a Certificate of Appropriateness by submitting the required number of copies of the Site Development Plan which shall include the requirements for such plans set forth in Section 1112.13(e) of these regulations.
   (c)   Application Review. Following the submission of the required application and Site Development Plan, the Building/Zoning Inspector shall, within fourteen working days, place the application on the Design Review Board agenda for its consideration.
   (d)   Site Development Plan. A Site Development Plan as used herein, shall mean a plan for the development and/or redevelopment of a specified parcel or tract of real estate in the Overlay District.
   (e)   Site Development Plan Submittal Requirements. The applicant for a project within the overlay district shall submit to the City's Building/Zoning Inspector three (3) sets of copies of all required review material for the proposed project. The following information, where applicable, shall be required to be submitted with the Site Development Plan:
      (1)   Completed application form.
      (2)   Written description of project and work involved, the existing and proposed land use.
      (3)   A site plan at an appropriate scale showing the existing conditions and the proposed changes and development with respect to: building(s) in the subject property, driveway, parking area, vehicular circulation, accessory structures, fences, decks, patios, pedestrian access and sidewalks, existing signs, existing landscaping and screening, lighting, and other features and including the gross area of the existing building square feet, and number of units in the case of residential development.
      (4)   Front, side, rear elevations at no less than 1/4" = 1'0" showing height of the building, roof elevation, identification of any proposed alterations to the facade of the existing building, including the location of any accessible ramps, emergency egress and mechanical apparatus; exterior appearances and coordination of character, including exterior materials to be used including walls, glass, railings, detailing, proposed color scheme, foundation and finish grade lines at the building.
      (5)   Building floor plans at no less than 1/4" = 1'0" scale showing doors windows, exterior decks and porches, and other proposed elements.
      (6)   A landscape plan for both, private site area and right-of-way, showing the location, type, and quantities of landscaping and screening of the development including trees, flowers, shrubs and grass, and open space.
      (7)   Proposed signs, including location, dimensions, size and character.
      (8)   A context drawing showing adjacent structures in a diagram or in photographs, on each side of the subject property, including the subject property.
      (9)   A schedule for construction and for the completion of the development, including all public and private improvements in the development area.
      (10)   Any other information, plans or studies as required by the Design Review Board and City's Building/Zoning Inspector, as may be deemed necessary during the pre-application meeting, Section 1112.13(b)(1).
         (Ord. 4084. Passed 4-13-99.)