32.01 Purchasing agent
32.02 Unlawful purchases
32.03 Additional duties
32.04 Requisitions
32.05 Purchases
32.06 Notice inviting bids; publication
32.07 Scope of notices
32.08 Bid deposits or surety
32.09 Bid opening procedure
32.10 Rejection of bids
32.11 Award of contracts; authority
32.12 Lowest responsible bidder
32.13 Award to other than low bidder
32.14 Tie bids
32.15 Endorsement of invoice
32.16 Cooperative purchase plans
32.17 Sale of obsolete plans
32.18 Emergency purchases
32.19 Purchases of $20,000 or more
The Village Superintendent is hereby designated the purchasing agent for the village and it shall be the duty of the purchasing agent to purchase and contract for all supplies, materials, services, equipment, and other items required by any department, board, commission, or agency of the village, subject to the final approval of the Village Council.
(2005 Code, § 7.001) (Ord. 2-80, passed 7-9-1980)
Except as herein provided, it shall be unlawful for any village officer or using agency to order the purchase of any supplies or make any contract within the preview of this subchapter other than through the purchasing agent, or with his or her prior authorization, and the village shall not be bound by any purchase ordered or contract made contrary to the provisions hereof. For the purposes of this subchapter, the terms USING AGENCY includes all departments, boards, commissions, and agencies of the village.
(2005 Code, § 7.002) (Ord. 2-80, passed 7-9-1980) Penalty, see § 10.99
In addition to the purchasing authority conferred above and in addition to any other powers and duties conferred by this subchapter, the purchasing agent shall:
(A) Act to procure for the village the highest quality in supplies and contractual services at the least expense to the village, and endeavor to obtain as full and open competition as possible on all purchases and sales;
(B) Establish rules and regulations for the administration of this subchapter, which rules and regulations shall be effective upon approval by the Village Council;
(C) Prescribe and maintain such forms as he or she shall find reasonably necessary to the operation of this subchapter;
(D) Endeavor when possible to buy in sufficient and substantial quantities so as to take full advantage of available discounts, and act so as to procure for the village all tax exemptions and discounts to which it is entitled; and
(E) Have authority to declare vendors who default on their quotations as irresponsible bidders and to disqualify them from bidding on or receiving any business from the village for a stated period of time.
(2005 Code, § 7.003) (Ord. 2-80, passed 7-9-1980)
(A) All using agencies, either by or with the authorization of the head of the department under which the using agency operates, shall file with the purchasing agent detailed requisitions of their requirements for supplies, materials, services, and equipment in such manner, at such times and for such future periods as the purchasing agent shall prescribe.
(B) The purchasing agent shall examine each requisition and shall have the authority to revise as to quality, quantity, or estimated cost.
(2005 Code, § 7.004) (Ord. 2-80, passed 7-9-1980)