(A)    No person in any park shall destroy, cut, break, deface, mutilate, injure, disturb, sever from the ground, or remove any growing thing; bring or have in his possession in any park any garden or agricultural implements or tools which could be used for the removal thereof; pile or maintain any material or debris of any kind against or upon the same; attach any rope, cable, or other contrivance thereto; set fire to any timber, tree, shrubs, plants, flowers, grass, or plant growth, or suffer any fire upon other land to extend into park lands; hitch any horse or other animal to, or leash the same near enough to injure any tree, shrub, lawn, grass plat, or planted area, except at those times when permission to do so shall have been given by the Board of Parks and Recreation to the public. No person shall bring into or have in his possession in any park any tree, shrub, or other plant, or any branch, stem, flower, or leaf thereof. ('74 Code, § 94.16)
   (B)    No person within any park shall molest, kill, wound, trap, hunt, chase, shoot, throw missiles at, remove, or have in his possession any feral animal, reptile, bird, bird's nest or squirrel's nest, or remove the young of any such animal or the eggs or young of any such reptile or bird; or knowingly buy, receive, have in his possession, sell, or give away any such animal, reptile, bird, or eggs so killed or taken.
('74 Code, § 94.21)   (Ord. 71-11, passed 12-6-71) Penalty, see § 93.99