(A)    No person in any park shall sell, exhibit, or offer for sale, hire, or lease any object, merchandise, service, or the like to any other person in any park, except under a permit; or for advertising or commercial purposes take moving pictures or photographs within any park, or buy or sell or publish the negatives thereof or the prints thereof or exhibit such negatives or prints in public, or use pictures or photographs of any park, or park structure; or perform any personal service for hire in any park, except under a permit or otherwise in accordance with the terms of such permit.
   (B)    Possession of objects or merchandise in quantities, packages, or containers customarily associated with peddling shall be deemed to be prima facie evidence of exhibiting or offering for sale. Nothing contained herein shall forbid the Board of Parks and Recreation in its discretion from granting concession contracts and privileges to any concessionaire or permittee on such terms and conditions as the Board may determine.
('74 Code, § 94.13) (Ord. 71-11, passed 12-6-71) Penalty, see § 93.99