   No person shall voluntarily bring, land, or cause to descend or alight within or upon any park, any airplane, balloon, parachute, or other apparatus for aviation. "VOLUNTARILY," in this connection, shall mean anything other than a forced landing. Any landing other than one caused by mechanical or structural failure or the aircraft or any of its parts shall be deemed to have been made voluntarily, and this shall include landing errors or oversight, negligence, or failure to comply with any Civil Aeronautics Authority regulations or rulings.
('74 Code, § 94.04) (Ord. 71-11, passed 12-6-71) Penalty, see § 93.99
   No person shall distribute or display any flag, banner, sign, or other matter for advertising purposes within any park. No person shall display, by means of any aircraft, kite, balloon, aerial bomb, or any other device, any flag, banner, sign, or other matter for advertising purposes above the surface' of any park. No person shall operate any musical instrument, drum, loudspeaker, amplifier, or siren, or cause any noise to be made within any park for advertising purposes or for the purpose of attracting people to any exhibition, performance, or other spectacle.
('74 Code, § 94.12) (Ord. 71-11, passed 12-6-71) Penalty, see § 93.99
   (A)    No person in any park shall sell, exhibit, or offer for sale, hire, or lease any object, merchandise, service, or the like to any other person in any park, except under a permit; or for advertising or commercial purposes take moving pictures or photographs within any park, or buy or sell or publish the negatives thereof or the prints thereof or exhibit such negatives or prints in public, or use pictures or photographs of any park, or park structure; or perform any personal service for hire in any park, except under a permit or otherwise in accordance with the terms of such permit.
   (B)    Possession of objects or merchandise in quantities, packages, or containers customarily associated with peddling shall be deemed to be prima facie evidence of exhibiting or offering for sale. Nothing contained herein shall forbid the Board of Parks and Recreation in its discretion from granting concession contracts and privileges to any concessionaire or permittee on such terms and conditions as the Board may determine.
('74 Code, § 94.13) (Ord. 71-11, passed 12-6-71) Penalty, see § 93.99
   No person shall injure, deface, displace, remove, fill in, raise, destroy or tamper with any drive, path, walk, bridge, or approach thereto; or take up, remove or carry away any asphalt, curb, flagstone, rock, stone, gravel, sand, clay or earth; or make any excavations of any kind; or harvest, cut, injure, or remove, any ice, or injure, mutilate, deface, displace, remove, or destroy any wall, fence, shelter, seat, statue, monument, or other structure, building, post railing, bench, seat-platform, stand, tree guard, telephone, pipe or main for conducting gas, water, or wires, or hydrant, sewer, drain, pipe, main, receiving basin, covering, manhole or vent forming a part thereof, or any appurtenance or appendage conforming therewith; or injure or deface or destroy or mutilate, or remove, or carry away, or displace, or tamper with any property or equipment, real or personal owned by the city or under the jurisdiction, control, or supervision, of the Board of Parks and Recreation, or appertaining to the creation, control, government, use, or maintenance, of any park or park street; or injure, deface, displace, remove or destroy any sign, notice, inscription, post or monument, erected or marked for any purpose, or any milestone, danger sign or signal, guide sign or post or any signalling device, sanctioned, installed or placed by the Board or by the Police Department within any park or upon any park street or for the purpose of directing, restricting or regulating traffic, establishing zones or giving information or directions to the public or interfere with any lamp, lamp post, or electric light apparatus, or light or extinguish the light therein, or attach, string, adjust, or suspend any wires or similar object in, or over any part of any park or park street.
('74 Code, § 94.15) (Ord. 71-11, passed 12-6-71) Penalty, see § 93.99
   (A)    No person in any park shall destroy, cut, break, deface, mutilate, injure, disturb, sever from the ground, or remove any growing thing; bring or have in his possession in any park any garden or agricultural implements or tools which could be used for the removal thereof; pile or maintain any material or debris of any kind against or upon the same; attach any rope, cable, or other contrivance thereto; set fire to any timber, tree, shrubs, plants, flowers, grass, or plant growth, or suffer any fire upon other land to extend into park lands; hitch any horse or other animal to, or leash the same near enough to injure any tree, shrub, lawn, grass plat, or planted area, except at those times when permission to do so shall have been given by the Board of Parks and Recreation to the public. No person shall bring into or have in his possession in any park any tree, shrub, or other plant, or any branch, stem, flower, or leaf thereof. ('74 Code, § 94.16)
   (B)    No person within any park shall molest, kill, wound, trap, hunt, chase, shoot, throw missiles at, remove, or have in his possession any feral animal, reptile, bird, bird's nest or squirrel's nest, or remove the young of any such animal or the eggs or young of any such reptile or bird; or knowingly buy, receive, have in his possession, sell, or give away any such animal, reptile, bird, or eggs so killed or taken.
('74 Code, § 94.21)   (Ord. 71-11, passed 12-6-71) Penalty, see § 93.99
   (A)    No person shall take into, carry through, leave in, throw, cast, lay, drop, or discharge into or on, or suffer or permit any servant, agent, employee, person, or animal in his charge to take into, carry through, leave in, throw, cast, lay, drop, or discharge into or on any park any rubbish of any sort including but not limited to ashes, dross, cinders, shells, fruit skins, pasteboard, dirt, sand, oil, grease, clay, loam, stone, or building rubbish, hay, straw, oats, saw- dust, shavings, manufacturing, trade, or household waste, vehicles or parts thereof, including junk, old iron, or other metal or objects made therefrom, sick, diseased, or dead animals, or any organic refuse or other offensive matter, including swill, brine, urine, fecal matter, garbage or rubbish. However, in the morning before 8:00 a.m. or before the first sweeping of the roadway of the park street by the street cleaners, dust from the sidewalk may be swept into the gutter, if there piled, but not otherwise. The leaving of refuse, except in receptacles provided therefor, or the leaving or littering of newspapers or other papers in a park is prohibited. No person shall throw, cast, lay, or deposit any bottle, piece of crockery, glass, glassware, or any part thereof, or any metallic or other substance with sharp edges or projections in any park.
   (B)    No person in any park shall spit upon any walk, crossing, safety zone, structure, bridge, platform stairway, or floor of any building.
   (C)    No person shall throw, cast, lay, drop, discharge into, or leave in the waters used for bathing or waters in any park or in any storm sewer or drain flowing into said waters, any substance, matter, or thing, liquid or acid, which may or shall result in the pollution of said waters.
   (D)    No person shall discharge directly or indirectly into any opening or into any gutter leading into any sewer, receiving basin, or drain, in or leading into any park, any gas or vapor, any substance which may form a deposit tending to choke same, any volatile liquid which will emit an inflammable vapor, or any steam or hot water above 100° F.
('74 Code, § 94.17) (Ord. 71-11, passed 12-6-71) Penalty, see § 93.99