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   12.04.010   Definitions
   12.04.020   Licensing of dogs
   12.04.030   Tag and collar
   12.04.040   Control of dogs; impoundment
   12.04.050   Redemption of impounded dogs from animal shelter
   12.04.060   Vicious dogs
   12.04.070   Dogs running at large
   12.04.080   Objectionable animals or birds
   12.04.090   Other annoyances prohibited
   12.04.100   Biting dogs; rabies control
   12.04.110   Immunization for rabies
   12.04.120   Exemptions
   12.04.130   Interference with officers; investigations
   12.04.140   Records
   12.04.150   Entry into business establishments
   12.04.160   Responsibilities of operations businesses
   12.04.170   Enforcement
   12.04.180   Disposal of dogs at owner's request
   12.04.190   Penalties
§ 12.04.010 DEFINITIONS.
   In this chapter, unless the context otherwise requires:
   (A)   “Animal Control Officer” means any person appointed by the Director of the Department of Public Safety to impound animals within the city. The Animal Control Officer may be any Public Safety Officer when enforcing the regulations of this chapter.
   (B)   “Animal Shelter” means any premises designated by the City Manager for the purpose of impounding and caring for animals.
   (C)   “At large” means any animal that is off the property of its owner and not under the direct control of a competent person.
   (D)   “Director” means the Chief of Police or his or her designee.
   (E)   “Neutered male” is any male dog which has been operated upon so as to prevent it from being fertile.
   (F)   “Owner” or “Person” means any person, group of persons, partnership, firm, trust or corporation owning, having an interest in, or having control, custody or possession of any animal.
   (G)   “Restraint” means that a dog is controlled by a leash.
   (H)   “Spayed female” is any female dog which has been operated upon to prevent the possibility of conception.
   (I)   “Stray” means any dog whose owner is unknown or which no one seeks or claims.
   (J)   “Vicious dog” is any dog, which unprovoked, has ever bitten or attacked a human being or another animal.
(Am. Ord. 2018-11, passed 12-11-18)
§ 12.04.020 LICENSING OF DOGS.
   (A)   No person shall own, keep or harbor any dog over six months old within the city limits unless such dog is licensed as herein provided. Application for such license shall be made to the City Clerk, or such agents as the City Clerk shall designate, and shall state the name and address of the owner and the name, breed, color, age and sex of the dog. At the time of making the application for the license, the license fee shall be paid and a numbered receipt and a numbered metallic tag for the dog shall be issued to the owner. No license or tag shall be issued unless the dog for which the license is sought has received immunization for rabies within the past 12 months if phenolized vaccine is used, or the past 24 months if modified virus vaccine is used, or unless the owner is able to furnish other proof of immunization satisfactory to the agent from whom the license is purchased. The applicant must present evidence of immunization given by an appropriate authority in writing. Such proof may consist of, but shall not be limited to, a statement or receipt from a medical authority showing such immunization.
   (B)   The yearly license fee shall be set by ordinance for each male dog or female dog; or for each neutered or spayed dog. Owners showing proof of having their dog neutered or spayed within 12 months of paying their fee will be refunded a portion of the fee. Such proof may consist of, but shall not be limited to, a statement or receipt from a medical authority showing that the appropriate procedure has been performed.
   (C)   All licenses required by this chapter shall expire on December 31 of the year of issuance. The following year's license must be obtained prior to February 1.
   (D)   Any dog subject to license which is not licensed shall be considered a nuisance. Any such unlicensed dog shall be impounded pursuant to § 12.04.040 of this chapter and if not redeemed pursuant to the provisions of § 12.04.040(B), or if found vicious pursuant to the provisions of § 12.04.050, may be destroyed.
   (E)   Any person owning a seeing eye dog, a hearing aid dog, or other aid dog shall be exempt from the license fee payment requirement of this section. Upon application, annually, to the City Clerk and upon presentation of evidence from an appropriate medical authority that the dog for which the license is sought has received immunization for rabies as provided for in § 12.04.020(A) of this chapter, every owner of an aid dog certified by a recognized aid dog institution shall receive, at no charge, a city dog license.
§ 12.04.030 TAG AND COLLAR.
   (A)   Upon complying with the provisions of § 12.04.020, there shall be issued to the owner a metallic tag stamped with the number and the year for which it is issued.
   (B)   In the event that a metallic license tag issued for a dog is lost, the owner may obtain a replacement tag upon payment of a fee to be set by ordinance.
   (C)   All dogs shall wear and display a license tag at all times except when confined upon the immediate premises of the owner's residence.
   (A)   It shall be the duly of the Director of the Department of Public Safety, or his or her designee, to attempt to impound any animal or animals found in violation of this chapter.
   (B)   Any dog impounded under the provisions of this chapter shall be held in the city animal shelter for a period of at least 72 hours, and unless redeemed prior to the expiration of that period, may be made available to the public through adoption or destroyed in a humane manner.
   (C)   Upon receiving an impounding dog, the Animal Control Officer shall make a reasonable effort to notify the dog's owner of the impoundment and the conditions by which the dog may be redeemed. Upon redemption of a dog by its owner, the Animal Control Officer shall issue a written notice that upon the fourth impoundment in any twelve-month period, the dog will not be subject to redemption and may be made available for adoption or be destroyed in a humane manner.
   (D)   Any animal found to be maintained or ignored by its owner or keeper in such a manner as that the animal is likely to suffer injury, malnutrition, intense and prolonged pain, or to suffer in any other manner, shall be impounded.