(a)    All persons, firms or corporations desiring to tap into the Municipal sanitary sewage treatment system shall henceforth employ and use premium joint sewer pipe approved by the Engineer and design Manual of the Municipality for such construction of sewer lines on private property or within the Municipal right of way. Such construction shall be inspected and approved by the Engineer or his agent before any sanitary sewer tap shall be made.
   (b)    If this section is not complied with, the Engineer and Mayor shall not allow a tap from substandard construction or non-inspected sewer line construction. It shall henceforth be the duty of all property owners or persons otherwise using and tapping into the municipal sanitary sewage treatment system by connection to keep in repair the sanitary sewage line or pipe from the point of connection with any structure to the point of tap into the Municipal treatment system. The Mayor, upon advice of the Engineer that defective or deteriorated pipe is infiltrating with surface waters and therefore causing burden to the sanitary treatment system, shall notify each person making use of the system of the defective sewer line and request repair thereof within thirty days of receipt of notice unless weather conditions are adverse in which the Mayor may grant an extension of repair time.
   (c)    Any person who fails to repair their private sewage line after such notice shall be subject to the penalty provided in Section 913.99 and in addition, shall be subject to the turn-off of water service to the structure served.
(Ord. 07-2009. Passed 2-11-09.)