138.10 Control
138.11 Hours
138.12 Public assemblies
138.13 Permit applications
138.14 Permit fee and bond
138.15 Issuance of permit
138.16 Revocation of permit
138.17 Disorderly conduct
138.18 Defacing property
138.19 Lurk or lie in wait
138.20 Loitering
138.21 Firearms and other missiles
138.22 Intoxication
138.23 Intoxicating liquors, drugs
138.24 Fires
138.25 Litter
138.26 Dumping refuse
138.27 Brine
138.28 Spitting prohibited
138.29 Lewd and indecent acts
138.30 Indecent exposure
138.31 Clothing
138.32 Solicitation, offering for sale or sell
138.33 Advertising and promotion
138.34 Gambling prohibited
138.35 Animals
138.36 Sports
138.37 Fishing
138.38 Skating
138.39 Vehicles in parks
138.40 Boats and boating
138.41 Tents
138.42 Swimming
138.43 Metal detectors
138.44 Eviction
138.45 Definition
138.46 No smoking
138.47 Bicycles, skateboards, and wheeled vehicles
138.99 Penalties