Any person who, while in any of the public places of the city, does any act in such an unreasonable manner as to alarm or disturb another and to provoke a breach of the peace shall be guilty of disorderly conduct. Actions which shall be deemed to constitute disorderly conduct shall include but not be limited to:
(A) Doing any act in such manner as to cause another to reasonably fear that he may be injured.
(B) Knowingly starting a fight, or fighting.
(C) Making or causing to be made loud and disturbing noises, including the operation of any loud speaker or amplifier connected with any radio, phonograph, microphone or other device by which sounds are magnified unless a permit is obtained for such operation from the city.
(D) Intentionally interfering with the work of any employee or concessionaire of the city or with the lawful use of the parks by others.
(Ord. 96-0-6, passed 8-12-96)