(A) Alcoholic beverages may be served, sold, and consumed in the Community Building as long as the applicant pays the fees and makes the deposits detailed in § 37.05, and as long as the applicant complies with the other requirements detailed in this chapter.
(B) A “Special Event Retailer’s Liquor License” for alcohol sales must be obtained, subject to approval by the Local Liquor Commissioner, before alcohol is sold to patrons of an event.
(C) The applicant shall obtain a policy of host liquor liability insurance to insure against liability for any injuries or damages that may result from the intoxication of any person due to the serving, selling, or consumption of alcoholic liquor upon the premises. Any policy of insurance so obtained shall name the city as an additional insured thereon. The applicant shall furnish adequate proof of insurance by providing a host liquor liability insurance certificate, with a minimum liability amount of $300,000, to City Hall for approval by the Local Liquor Commissioner at least 30 days prior to the event.
(D) The applicant shall indemnify the city against all claims, injuries, or actions that may arise due to the applicant’s use of the Community Building, including any claims, injuries, or actions arising due to the intoxication of any person due to the serving, selling, or consumption of alcoholic liquor upon the premises.
(Ord. 2007-O-1, passed 2-12-07) Penalty, see § 37.99