General Provisions
51.001 Title
51.002 Definitions
51.015 Application
51.030 Connection
51.031 Curb box
51.032 Authorization
51.033 Water meters
51.034 Size and installation
51.035 Backflow prevention
51.036 Contamination
51.037 Cross-connections
51.038 Use of hydrants
51.039 MDEQ permit
51.040 Township/owner responsibility
Township Declaration of Water Emergency
51.055 Declaration of existence of emergency
51.056 Township’s declaration of water emergency
51.057 Water uses prohibited during water emergency
51.058 Termination of emergency
Rates, Fees and Charges
51.070 Rationale
51.071 Resolution establishing
51.072 Billing and collection
Revenues of the System
51.085 Revenues of the system
Supplementary Provisions
51.100 State and County Plumbing Codes
51.101 Indemnification
Township’s Liability Exemption
51.115 Interruption of service
51.116 Plumbing maintenance and failure
51.117 Service and locations costs
51.999 Penalty
Appendix A: Table of unit factors