For the purpose of this chapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
APPLICANT. Owner of property which is seeking to connect to the township water system.
CONTRACTOR. The licensed contractors selected by the Township Board to install water connections.
CROSS-CONNECTION. A connection or arrangement of piping or appurtenances through which water of questionable quality or from a source other than the township water system, wastes or other contaminants could possibly flow back into the public water system because of reversal of flow.
CURB BOX. A box or metal housing which encloses, protects and provides access to the curb stop.
CURB STOP. A valve for insertion in the service pipes, in size of one inch to two inches in diameter, inclusive, at or near the curb line.
ORDINANCE. The Tuscarora Township Public Water Ordinance, as codified in this Chapter 51, unless otherwise specified.
PREMISES. Each lot or parcel of land or building having any connection to the township water system.
PUBLIC WATER SYSTEM. Tuscarora Township water system.
REU - RESIDENTIAL EQUIVALENT UNIT TO BE KNOWN AS REU. As determined by the table in Appendix A.
SYSTEM. Tuscarora Township water system.
TOWNSHIP. The Tuscarora Township Board.
TOWNSHIP WATER SYSTEM. The complete facilities of the township’s water supply system including all water storage facilities, and transmission lines, including all appurtenances thereto and including all extensions and improvements thereto, which may hereafter be acquired, within the Tuscarora Township water district.
WATER CONNECTION. The part of the township water system connecting the water main to a point terminating at a meter or meter pit or vault.
WATER MAIN. The part of the township water system located within easement lines or streets and designated to supply more than one water connection.
WATER SYSTEM. Tuscarora Township water system.
(Ord. passed 4-4-2017)