   (A)   Purpose. The purpose of these regulations is to permit handicapped persons to reside in single- family residential neighborhoods in compliance with the Fair Housing Act, while preserving the residential character of the neighborhood.
   (B)   Zoning confirmation. Prior to registration, a request for zoning confirmation may be submitted to the Town Manager or designee to confirm that the proposed location of the group home is permitted under this section.
   (C)   Standards. Group homes for the handicapped shall be located, developed and operated in compliance with the following standards.
      (1)   Separation. The minimum separation between group homes shall be 1,200 feet, as measured from the closest property lines. No separation is required when group homes are separated by a utility right-of-way of at least 300 feet in width, or by a freeway, arterial street, canal or railroad.
      (2)   Occupancy. The number of residents, excluding staff, shall not exceed ten.
      (3)   Exterior appearance. There shall be no sign or other exterior indication of a group home visible from a street.
      (4)   Compliance with all applicable building and fire safety regulations. If a group home has one or more non-ambulatory residents, Building Code requirements in addition to those applicable to group homes with no non-ambulatory residents, shall apply.
      (5)   Licensing. Group homes shall comply with applicable licensing requirements.
      (6)   Parking. Any parking for the group home shall be on site.
      (7)   Tenancy. No group home shall house any person whose tenancy would constitute a direct threat to the health or safety of other individuals or would result in substantial physical damage to the property of others.
   (D)   Additional requirements of state law. Notwithstanding the foregoing, if the state has adopted laws or rules for the regulation of a specific type of home, such as a group home for the developmentally disabled pursuant to A.R.S. § 36-582 or an assisted living home pursuant to A.R.S. Title 36, Ch. 4, then any such state law or rule shall apply in addition to the conditions listed herein and shall preempt any conflicting condition listed herein.
   (E)   Request for accommodation.
      (1)   If a group home owner believes any requirement of the zoning code prevents the establishment of a group home in an economically viable manner, the owner shall submit a written request for accommodation and the reasons why the accommodation is required. The written request shall contain sufficient facts to allow an individualized determination of the group home’s needs, to address safety and welfare concerns and to assure compliance with this section. Town staff shall review the written request and determine:
         (a)   Whether an accommodation should be made pursuant to the requirements of the Fair Housing Act; and
         (b)   If so, the nature of the accommodation taking into consideration the requirements of the Fair Housing Act, public safety and welfare concerns, and the residential character of the neighborhood.
      (2)   The accommodation shall be made only to the extent necessary to comply with the Fair Housing Act.
(Ord. 2012-04, passed 12-5-2012)
   (A)   The purpose of this section is to establish the criteria, process, rules and standards for the use of metal storage container boxes.
   (B)   METAL STORAGE CONTAINERS are defined as prefabricated, portable metal containers used for storage of personal property.
   (C)   Temporary uses in the G, AR, RR and RS Zones.
      (1)   Upon the issuance of a building permit, two 160 square foot metal storage containers may be established with a no-fee temporary use permit. A temporary use permit is required prior to the storage containers being located on site and may be issued for up to 18 months at a time. Temporary use permits may be renewed so long as building permit remains in active status.
      (2)   For non-permit projects (emergency situations related to fire or flood, or remodels), two 160 square foot metal storage containers may be established with temporary use permit for up to nine months. Emergency related projects are subject to a no fee permit. Temporary use permits may be renewed for an additional nine-month period.
      (3)   Metal storage containers shall be located at least ten feet from the front and street side property lines and shall meet side and rear setback requirements for the zoning district in which they are located. Exceptions may be granted by the Town Manager in an emergency situation for a maximum of 90 days.
      (4)   There shall be no utilities installed within the metal storage container.
      (5)   Any deviations from these standards may be approved through the issuance of a conditional use permit.
   (D)   Temporary uses in the CG, CH, M1 and M2 Zones.
      (1)   Upon the issuance of a building permit, metal storage containers may be established with a temporary use permit. A no fee temporary use permit is required prior to the storage container being located on site and may be issued for up to 18 months at a time. Temporary use permits may be renewed so long as building permit remains in active status.
      (2)   For non-permit projects metal storage containers may be established with a temporary use permit for up to six months.
      (3)   Metal storage containers are required to meet all development standards of the Zoning District in which they are located including setbacks, building separation and structure height. Exceptions may be granted by the Town Manager in an emergency situation for a maximum of 90 days.
      (4)   There shall be no utilities installed within the metal storage container.
   (E)   Permanent uses in the G, AR, RR and RS Zones.
      (1)   One 160 square foot metal storage container may be established with an approved building permit, subject to the following standards.
         (a)   There shall be no signage on the metal storage container.
         (b)   The only utilities permitted shall be electricity for lights and outlets (i.e., there shall be no plumbing or mechanical). The addition of electricity requires an electric permit.
         (c)   All containers shall be painted and maintained either the primary structure color or a pre-approved earthtone color consistent with the surrounding terrain prior to placement.
         (d)   Metal storage containers are required to meet all development standards of the zoning district in which they are located including setbacks, building separation and structure height.
         (e)   Use of the unit is for the storage of personal effects owned by the property owner or tenant. There shall be no commercial use of the unit (e.g., rental of the unit to people not residing on the property).
         (f)   The unit shall not be used for residential use or for the keeping of animals.
         (g)   Nothing shall be stored on top of the unit.
      (2)   Any deviations from these standards may be approved through the issuance of a conditional use permit.
      (3)   Metal storage containers existing prior to the adoption of this code will have until 1-1-2009 to meet these requirements.
   (F)   Permanent uses in the CG and CH Zones.
      (1)   The equivalent of one 320 square foot metal storage container (e.g., two eight-foot by 20- foot containers, or one eight-foot by 40-foot) may be established with an approved building permit, subject to the following standards.
         (a)   There shall be no signage on the metal storage containers.
         (b)   Electric utility may be permitted as part of the building permit.
         (c)   All containers shall be painted and maintained either the primary structure color or a pre- approved earthtone color consistent with the surrounding terrain prior to placement.
         (d)   Metal storage containers are required to meet all development standards of the zoning district in which they are located including setbacks.
      (2)   Any deviations from these standards may be approved through the issuance of a conditional use permit.
      (3)   Metal storage containers existing prior to the adoption of this code will have until 1-1-2009 to meet these requirements.
   (G)   Permanent uses in the M1 and M2 Zones.
      (1)   Metal storage containers are permitted with an approved building permit, subject to the following standards.
         (a)   There shall be no signage on the metal storage containers.
         (b)   Electric utility may be permitted as part of the building permit.
         (c)   All containers shall be painted and maintained either the primary structure color or a pre-approved earthtone color consistent with the surrounding terrain prior to placement.
         (d)   Metal storage containers are required to meet all development standards of the zoning district in which they are located including setbacks.
      (2)   Any deviations from these standards may be approved through the issuance of a conditional use permit.
      (3)   Metal storage containers existing prior to the adoption of this code will have until 1-1-2009 to meet these requirements.
(Ord. 2012-04, passed 12-5-2012)
   (A)   Purpose. The purpose of this section is to establish a process, rules and standards for the construction and operation of accessory wind energy systems used primarily for on-site power consumption.
   (B)   Definitions.
      ACCESSORY WIND ENERGY SYSTEM. A system designed as a secondary use to existing buildings or facilities, wherein the power generated is used primarily for on-site consumption. The system consists of a wind turbine and associated controls and may include a tower.
      HUB HEIGHT. The distance measured from ground level to the center of the turbine hub.
      TOTAL HEIGHT. The distance measured from ground level to the blade extended at is highest point.
      WIND TURBINE. A device which converts the kinetic energy of the wind into a useable form of electrical energy.
   (C)   Where allowed.
      (1)   Accessory wind energy systems shall be considered a permitted use in the following zoned areas G, AR, RR, RS, RM, PC, PRD, PS, RC, CG, CH, MR, MP, M1 and M2 Zones that are a minimum of one acre in size. Roof mounted systems may be permitted in any of the above mentioned zoned areas that are a minimum of one-half acre in size.
      (2)   Any deviation from the required standards of this code may be approved through the issuance of a conditional use permit.
   (D)   Performance standards and design requirements.
      (1)   The requirements of this code shall apply to all accessory wind energy systems proposed after the effective date of this code.
      (2)   All accessory wind energy systems shall conform to applicable industry standards, including those of the American National Standards institute.
      (3)   Minimum parcel size of one acre is required for the installation of an accessory wind energy system.
      (4)   No more than two systems are permitted per parcel.
      (5)   Maximum height shall be that of the underlying zoning district measured from preexisting natural grade to the center of the turbine hub for horizontal and vertical systems.
      (6)   Setback requirements shall be 100% of the total height of the accessory wind energy system from all property lines, access easements, residential structures and public electric power or telephone lines. No part of the wind system structure, including guy wire anchors, may extend into the minimum setback area of the underlying zoning district or into any access or utility easements.
      (7)   All portions of the energy system shall be a non-reflective, non-obtrusive color, subject to the approval of the Town Manager. The appearance of the turbines, towers and any other related components shall be maintained throughout the life of the wind energy facility pursuant to industry standards.
      (8)   Systems shall not be used for displaying any advertising.
      (9)   Systems shall not be illuminated unless required by a state or federal agency.
      (10)   The electrical collection system shall be placed underground within the interior of each parcel. The collection system may be placed overhead near sub-stations or points of interconnection to the electric grid. All grid connected systems shall have a completed contractual agreement with the local utility prior to the issuance of a building permit.
      (11)   Accessory wind energy systems shall be designed, installed and operated so that noise generated by the system shall not exceed 50 decibels (50 dBA), as measured from the nearest property line, except during short-term events including utility outages and severe wind storms.
      (12)   Building permits shall be obtained for any accessory wind energy system prior to installation.
   (E)   Obsolescence and removal. If the accessory wind energy system remains non-functional or inoperative for a continuous period of 120 days, the system shall be deemed to be abandoned and shall constitute a public nuisance. The owner shall remove the abandoned system at his, her or their expense after a demolition permit has been obtained. Removal includes the entire structure, including foundations to below natural grade and transmission equipment.
(Ord. 2012-04, passed 12-5-2012)
   (A)   Purpose. The purpose of this section is to establish a process, rules and standards for the construction, establishment and operation of medical marijuana dispensaries, and off-site cultivation and infusion facilities, pursuant to A.R.S. § 36-2806.01.
   (B)   Definitions.
      MEDICAL MARIJUANA. All parts of any plant of the genus cannabis whether growing or not, and the seeds of such plant that may be administered to treat or alleviate a qualifying patient’s debilitating medical condition or symptoms associated with the patient’s debilitating medical condition.
      MEDICAL MARIJUANA DISPENSARY. A not-for-profit entity defined in A.R.S. § 36-2801(11) that acquires, possesses, cultivates, manufactures, delivers, transfers, transports, supplies, sells or dispenses marijuana or related supplies and educational materials to qualifying patients or their designated caregivers.
      MEDICAL MARIJUANA INFUSION FACILITY. A facility that incorporates medical marijuana by means of cooking, blending or incorporation into consumable/edible goods.
      MEDICAL MARIJUANA OFF-SITE CULTIVATION LOCATION. A building, structure or premises associated with, but separate from a medical marijuana dispensary where cultivation, storage, infusion and/or manufacture of medical marijuana products is accomplished.
   (C)   Where allowed.
      (1)   Medical marijuana dispensaries shall be considered a permitted use in the CG-10,000 (Commercial General) and CH-10,000 (Commercial Heavy) Zones or in the PC (Planned Community) Zone in areas designated for development, subject to CG-10,000 and CH-10,000 uses and development standards, subject to the following performance standards and design requirements.
      (2)   Medical marijuana off-site cultivation and infusion facilities shall be considered permitted uses in the M-1-10,000 (Light Industrial), and M-2-6,000 (Heavy Industrial) Zones or in the PC (Planned Community) Zone in areas designated for development, subject to the M-1-10,000 and M-2-6,000 uses and development standards, subject to the following performance standards and design requirements. Off-site cultivation and infusion facilities shall be considered conditional uses in the CH-10,000 (Commercial Heavy) Zone or in the PC (Planned Community) Zone in areas designated for development, subject to CH-10,000 uses and development standards.
   (D)   Performance standards and design requirements.
      (1)   Medical marijuana dispensaries shall be located in a permanent building, and may not locate in a trailer, cargo container or motor vehicle.
      (2)   Medical marijuana dispensaries shall have a single secure entrance and shall implement appropriate security measures to deter and prevent the theft of marijuana and unauthorized entrance into areas containing marijuana pursuant to A.R.S. § 36-2806(C).
      (3)   Medical marijuana dispensaries shall be a maximum of 2,500 gross square feet.
      (4)   Medical marijuana dispensaries and cultivation/infusion facilities shall not be located within 500 feet of a public or private preschool, kindergarten, elementary, secondary or high school, place of worship or public park existing before the date of application for the medical marijuana dispensary or cultivation/infusion facility. This distance shall be measured in a straight line from the exterior walls of the building or portion thereof in which the business is conducted or proposed to be conducted to the property line of the protected use.
      (5)   Medical marijuana dispensaries and cultivation/infusion facilities shall not be located within 500 feet of another medical marijuana dispensary or cultivation or infusion facility. This distance shall be measured in a straight line between the exterior walls of the buildings or portions thereof in which the businesses are conducted or proposed to be conducted.
      (6)   Any medical marijuana dispensaries and cultivation/infusion facilities lawfully operating shall not be rendered in violation of these provisions by the subsequent location of a public or private preschool, kindergarten, elementary, secondary or high school, place of worship or public park.
      (7)   Retail sales and dispensing of medical marijuana and related products is prohibited at off-site medical marijuana cultivation and infusion facilities.
      (8)   Operating hours of medical marijuana dispensaries are limited to 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.
      (9)   Drive-through services are prohibited.
      (10)   There shall be no emission of dust, fumes, vapors, odors or hazardous waste into the environment from any facility where medical marijuana cultivation or infusion occurs.
      (11)   Marijuana remnants and byproducts shall be secured and properly disposed of and shall not be placed within the facility’s exterior refuse containers.
      (12)   Medical marijuana cultivation and infusion may occur within a medical marijuana dispensary. Otherwise, a medical marijuana dispensary may have one additional location where cultivation, infusion and production of medical marijuana products occurs pursuant to A.R.S. § 36-2804(B)(1)(b)(ii).
   (E)   Permits required.
      (1)   Where medical marijuana dispensaries and cultivation/infusion facilities are classified as a permitted use, an administrative permit shall be obtained prior to establishment of the use. To obtain an administrative permit, an applicant must comply with divisions (E)(3) through (E)(10) below.
      (2)   Where medical marijuana cultivation/infusion facilities are classified as a conditional use, a conditional use permit shall be obtained prior to establishment of the use. The standard conditional use permit application procedures and requirements shall be met along with additional requirements contained herein.
      (3)   The applicant shall provide the name and location of the medical marijuana dispensary. For an off-site cultivation and/or infusion facility, the applicant shall provide the name and location of the dispensary with which it is associated.
      (4)   If the applicant is not the property owner, the application shall include both the applicant’s and property owner’s signatures.
      (5)   The applicant shall provide a copy of their dispensary registration certificate issued by ADHS pursuant to A.R.S. § 36-2804(B) and a copy of the operating procedures adopted pursuant to A.R.S. § 36-2804(B)(1)(c) along with a site plan, floor plan and security plan.
      (6)   If the dispensary and/or cultivation/ infusion facility is proposed to be located in an existing building, the applicant shall obtain a building permit for change of occupancy with plans prepared by a professional architect registered in the state.
      (7)   A medical marijuana dispensary or infusion facility that incorporates medical marijuana by means of cooking, blending or incorporation into consumable/edible goods shall obtain applicable food service permits from the County Health Department.
      (8)   If the measured distance is within 25 feet of the required limits identified in divisions (D)(4) and (D)(5) above, a survey sealed by a registered land surveyor may be required, at the discretion of the Town Manager and at the applicant’s expense, to verify the required separation.
      (9)   Permit fees shall be as stipulated in the fee schedule adopted by resolution of the Town Council in effect at the time of application.
      (10)   Permits may be denied if the applicant, in the reasonable opinion of the Town Manager is failing to comply with any applicable state or local law or regulation.
(Ord. 2012-04, passed 12-5-2012)