Cottage industries may be permitted subject to the granting of a conditional use permit by the Planning and Zoning Commission and, if approved, shall comply with the following restrictions.
   (A)   The entrepreneur of the cottage industry shall reside on the property.
   (B)   The number of persons employed in connection with the cottage industry and who are not residents of the dwelling shall not exceed three.
   (C)   The cottage industry may be conducted either within the dwelling or an accessory structure, or both; provided that, not more than 50% of the combined floor area shall be used in the conduct of the cottage industry.
   (D)   One non-illuminated sign not exceeding six square feet in area and six feet in height shall be permitted. Colors of sign background, sign lettering and support structure shall be earth tones complementary to the natural surroundings.
   (E)   Adequate off-street parking shall be provided according to the provisions of § 15. There shall be a maximum of five parking spaces.
   (F)   Any outdoor storage shall be as permitted in the underlying zone or as specified by the Commission. Outdoor storage shall be completely enclosed with a solid six-foot high fence or wall.
   (G)   Parking of commercial vehicles shall be as permitted in the underlying zone.
   (H)   Property for which a conditional use permit for a cottage industry is approved shall front on and have direct access on a road accepted for maintenance by the town or other governmental agency.
   (I)   Outdoor lighting shall conform to § 17.
   (J)   Direct sales of products is allowed if such sales are specifically provided for in the use permit.
   (K)   The business shall not generate any noise, vibration, smoke, dust, odor, heat, glare or electrical interference with radio or television reception that would exceed that normally produced by a dwelling unit.
   (L)   The Commission may grant a conditional use permit for up to three years. If all requirements of this section and of the use permit have been consistently met, and if no complaints have been filed with the town, the use permit may be renewed for up to five years.
(Ord. 2012-04, passed 12-5-2012)