(A)   Purpose. The purpose of this section is to establish a process, rules and standards for the construction and operation of accessory wind energy systems used primarily for on-site power consumption.
   (B)   Definitions.
      ACCESSORY WIND ENERGY SYSTEM. A system designed as a secondary use to existing buildings or facilities, wherein the power generated is used primarily for on-site consumption. The system consists of a wind turbine and associated controls and may include a tower.
      HUB HEIGHT. The distance measured from ground level to the center of the turbine hub.
      TOTAL HEIGHT. The distance measured from ground level to the blade extended at is highest point.
      WIND TURBINE. A device which converts the kinetic energy of the wind into a useable form of electrical energy.
   (C)   Where allowed.
      (1)   Accessory wind energy systems shall be considered a permitted use in the following zoned areas G, AR, RR, RS, RM, PC, PRD, PS, RC, CG, CH, MR, MP, M1 and M2 Zones that are a minimum of one acre in size. Roof mounted systems may be permitted in any of the above mentioned zoned areas that are a minimum of one-half acre in size.
      (2)   Any deviation from the required standards of this code may be approved through the issuance of a conditional use permit.
   (D)   Performance standards and design requirements.
      (1)   The requirements of this code shall apply to all accessory wind energy systems proposed after the effective date of this code.
      (2)   All accessory wind energy systems shall conform to applicable industry standards, including those of the American National Standards institute.
      (3)   Minimum parcel size of one acre is required for the installation of an accessory wind energy system.
      (4)   No more than two systems are permitted per parcel.
      (5)   Maximum height shall be that of the underlying zoning district measured from preexisting natural grade to the center of the turbine hub for horizontal and vertical systems.
      (6)   Setback requirements shall be 100% of the total height of the accessory wind energy system from all property lines, access easements, residential structures and public electric power or telephone lines. No part of the wind system structure, including guy wire anchors, may extend into the minimum setback area of the underlying zoning district or into any access or utility easements.
      (7)   All portions of the energy system shall be a non-reflective, non-obtrusive color, subject to the approval of the Town Manager. The appearance of the turbines, towers and any other related components shall be maintained throughout the life of the wind energy facility pursuant to industry standards.
      (8)   Systems shall not be used for displaying any advertising.
      (9)   Systems shall not be illuminated unless required by a state or federal agency.
      (10)   The electrical collection system shall be placed underground within the interior of each parcel. The collection system may be placed overhead near sub-stations or points of interconnection to the electric grid. All grid connected systems shall have a completed contractual agreement with the local utility prior to the issuance of a building permit.
      (11)   Accessory wind energy systems shall be designed, installed and operated so that noise generated by the system shall not exceed 50 decibels (50 dBA), as measured from the nearest property line, except during short-term events including utility outages and severe wind storms.
      (12)   Building permits shall be obtained for any accessory wind energy system prior to installation.
   (E)   Obsolescence and removal. If the accessory wind energy system remains non-functional or inoperative for a continuous period of 120 days, the system shall be deemed to be abandoned and shall constitute a public nuisance. The owner shall remove the abandoned system at his, her or their expense after a demolition permit has been obtained. Removal includes the entire structure, including foundations to below natural grade and transmission equipment.
(Ord. 2012-04, passed 12-5-2012)