   Natural areas may be designated on any or , subject to the following standards.
   A.    other than hiking trails shall not be permitted within the legally described boundaries of a natural area. (See Figure 5.2-D.)
Figure 5.2-D: Hiking Trails in Designated Natural Areas in HDZ
   B.   The natural area shall be delineated in a surveyable manner on the tentative and final or on the , whichever is applicable, and designated by legal description on a document recorded with the Pima County Recorder.
   C.   A natural area may be designated as a deed-restricted portion of a privately-owned or as a separate . This may be under the ownership of a or deeded to any organization willing to accept responsibility for the perpetual preservation of the natural area, subject to approval and acceptance by the City of Tucson.
   D.   To protect the natural areas, covenants that run with the land shall be provided in favor of the City of Tucson and of all owners with record interest in the natural area.
   E.   If natural areas are designated, then at least one such natural area, if in a of four or more in size, shall be at least one-half in size or immediately and to other land also designated as natural area that, in the aggregate, is at least one-half in size. Section 5.2.6 applies only to natural areas and not to other common areas and , such as recreation areas, road medians, etc., that are not designated as required natural area.
    are limited to a of 24 feet for residential and 30 feet for nonresidential or the maximum height permitted by the underlying , whichever is more restrictive. If the is also located within the boundaries of other overlay , the most restrictive of the standards shall apply. (See Figure 5.2-E.)
Figure 5.2-E: Height
   B.    Improvement Standard
   All proposed work, including , shall comply with the Section 2-01, Excavating and , of the Technical Standards Manual and the following standards:
         a.    or  
          subject to the provisions of the HDZ ordinance shall have a plan approved by the City Engineer or designee. Review of a plan may occur concurrently with the review of the , , or base plan. All shall meet the following standards:
            (1)   The portions of the to be graded must be shown on a or plan and by staking on the . A -approved plan is required prior to any grubbing, , or clearing. Grubbing, , and clearing shall occur only within the areas identified on the plan and staked on the or ; and,
            (2)   The portions of the to be left ungraded shall remain undisturbed and shall not be used for stockpiling of materials or excess , construction vehicle access, storage of vehicles during construction, or similar uses. If natural areas are designated on a or , temporary fencing, as approved and Inspected by the City Engineer or designee, shall be installed prior to construction where they abut construction areas in order to prevent encroachment into the natural areas.
         b.    and Fill
         The following are required of and   :
            (1)   The maximum amount of shall not exceed 30 feet;
            (2)   The uppermost point of an   shall be no higher than 15 feet above ;
            (3)   The uppermost point of a nonexposed   shall be no higher than the highest point of any set into the , provided that:
               (a)   This shall be concealed from view by a method such as backfilling; and,
               (b)   The backfilled area must be revegetated in accordance with Section 5.2.7.B.2.b.
            (4)   The vertical distance of exposed and/or exposed retaining material shall not exceed 15 feet;
            (5)    and   shall either be revegetated or protected by constructed means, such as riprapping or retaining walls; and,
            (6)    or   that encroach into a floodplain require City Engineer or designee approval.
      2.   Vegetation Retention and
         a.   Vegetation Retention
            (1)   Existing viable and transplantable trees with four inch or greater trunk diameter and cacti shall be preserved in their original locations, except for and access and serving .
            (2)   When retention of the above trees and cacti in their original locations is not possible due to location, the trees and cacti shall be salvaged and replanted in areas requiring , whenever possible.
         All or   that are no steeper than three horizontal to one vertical and all utility trenches or septic leaching fields that are not located in parking or areas shall be revegetated in compliance with the following standards:
            (1)   All plants used in shall be the same as the on the prior to or clearing or any   ; and,
            (2)    shall be accomplished with the following minimum standards for plants:
               (a)   Desert trees, a minimum of 15-gallon size with a minimum trunk diameter of two inches measured at the soil level, or large specimen cactus shall be placed at the same vegetation found on the prior to any clearing, grubbing, or ; and,
               (b)   Seeds for trees, desert shrubs, and grasses shall be planted with a adequate to control and may use one of the following methods of planting: Raked into the soil with appropriate mulch materials; hydroseeding; anchored mulches; or established on jute, rolled straw, or similar material. Another method may be approved by PDSD.
            (3)   A temporary watering system shall be installed until the materials are established.
      3.    Stabilization
      All steeper than a ratio of three horizontal to one vertical, with the exception of retaining walls, shall be stabilized with properly engineered stone riprapping or sculptured rock as follows:
         a.   Stone riprapping shall be hand-placed on the ;
         b.   The stabilizing material used shall blend with the natural appearance of the or and the surrounding terrain; and,
         c.   Vegetation retention and should be used in conjunction with riprapping.
   C.   Color
   All exposed exterior walls and roofs of , retaining walls, and , except satellite dishes, shall be earth tone in color and shall blend with the predominant natural colors found on the or . Satellite dishes may be black. White is not permitted.
   Measures may be required prior to approval of a   or issuance of permits, such as covenants, , or , as may be necessary to ensure the long-term maintenance of control measures.
   A.   The developer and/or property owner shall be responsible for the following:
      1.   Submitting a Hillside Development Plan in accordance with Section 9-01.0.0, Hillside Development , of the Technical Standards Manual;
      2.   Submitting average natural cross-slope and area analyses in accordance with Section 9-01.3.0, Analysis Standard, of the Technical Standards Manual, certified by an Arizona registered professional, such as an engineer, land surveyor, architect, or landscape architect, for review and verification by the City Engineer or designee;
      3.   Surveying, staking, and inspection of the or by a certified engineer or land surveyor to determine compliance with the provisions of this section; and,
      4.   On- enforcement by certifying to the City Engineer or designee that the complies with the HDZ standards during the period of .
   B.   If of any provision of the HDZ occurs, the property owner is responsible for bringing the into compliance with the HDZ standards. This may require restoration of the as closely as possible to its original undisturbed condition, topography, and vegetation, in order to remove the .
5.2.10.   VARIANCES
   A request for a variance from the 300-foot from a or as provided for in Section 5.2.6, Natural Areas, shall meet, in addition to the findings required for a variance, the following conditions. Consideration shall be in accordance with Sections 3.10.1 and 3.10.3, Board of Adjustment Variance Procedure.
   A.   The proposed is for a single- residence;
   B.   The only area to be graded within the and is for a pad and access to the ;
   C.   The visible external portion of the or , except for doors, windows, and mechanical equipment, shall be constructed of materials that will blend with the predominant natural colors found on the or ;
   D.   The highest portion of the is no higher than the elevation of the or ;
   E.   No more than six feet of the external portion of the is exposed, except at points of ;
   F.   All on the or are located underground; and,
   G.   The is designed so that glass surfaces do not reflect beyond the or boundaries. This can be accomplished by methods such as using nonreflective glass or providing overhangs or other window shading, structural elements, or that, when mature, will windows.
   Tucson is located on a magnificent   , with mountain ranges in all directions and attractive foothills leading up to the mountains. This setting is a scenic resource of great value for the , for its inhabitants, and for its economy. Specifically, beautiful surroundings help to attract tourists to the , and nationwide experience indicates that the most desirable new sources of employment have been locating in areas with the most attractive environments. Preservation of scenic resources is, therefore, important for both aesthetic and economic reasons. These valuable scenic resources encompass views up to and into the mountains, including the mountain profiles and their foothills, and views from the mountains across the valley. They also include significant natural vegetation and geological formations along designated .