The following Standards have been established for solid waste and recycle materials collection, storage, and disposal. The standards shall serve as guidelines for safe and efficient solid waste and recycling service.
To enhance the City of Tucson appearance, by implementing standards for the collection and storage of solid waste and recycle containers.
Establish dimensional requirements for
enclosures, accessibility and maneuvering space for collection vehicles.
To promote the recycling of materials generated by the city residential, commercial, and industrial communities.
Definitions for words used in this standard are found below, in the Tucson City Code (TCC) Chapter 15, in the Technical Standards Glossary, or in Article 11 of the Unified Development Code (UDC).
APC, Automated Plastic Containers
ASL, Automated Side Loading service vehicle
PAAL, Parking Area Access Lane
CC&R, Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions
ES, Environmental Services
These Standards apply to all new construction within the city including the expansion of existing
as specified by Section 3.4.3.E, Expansions, of the UDC.
A. Details from this standard shall be shown on the plan graphically and by written notes.
B. A note specifying the anticipated method of collection and frequency based on the calculated tonnage from Table 1 for the intended use.
C. All solid waste and recycle metal containers storage areas shall be screened from public view, and from adjacent developments.
D. APCs shall be allowed for solid waste and recycle collection for volumes not greater than 190 gallons per week, 95 gallons for solid waste and 95 gallons for recycle. Metal
service will be required when the waste stream calculation exceeds 190 gallons per week.
E. Solid waste and recycle
enclosures built into property walls must comply with horizontal and vertical clearances as stated in this technical standard.
F. Properties without sufficient space for on-
collection and storage of solid waste and recycle containers shall be evaluated for service on a case by case basis. Examples of enclosures for metal containers are shown in the Exhibits and Figures of Section 8-01.9.0, List of Exhibits and Figures.
G. Use of APCs for multi-family, commercial, or industrial development requires prior
from ES.
H. Each residential development as defined in Tucson Code Chapter 15, Environmental Services Department, require on- solid waste and recycle collection services, must contact ES to establish services.
I. Off-street parking may be reduced for existing development when solid waste and recycle enclosures are provided per Section 7.4.5.E.8, Reduction Based on Providing Trash and Recycling Enclosures.