6.3   Location Standards for APCs, 95 gallons or less
   A.   The standard collection point will be behind the curb in front of the premises in accordance with the Technical Standards contained herein.
   B.   Where sidewalks exist, APCs are to be placed in the buffer area between the curb and sidewalk. Placement shall be so as to not obstruct sidewalk traffic or bike lanes. There should be no obstruction within three feet of an APC set out for collection. (Common obstructions are cars, mailboxes, and light poles.)
   C.   For residential collection that cannot be directly placed for collection in front of the residence, specific instructions on how and where the solid waste and recycle APCs will be collected will be included in the subdivision’s plat.
   In developments where proposed solid waste and recycle disposal service is not specified in these Standards (i.e., developments for the elderly or disabled), prior must be obtained from ES.
   A.   Determine the square footage and uses for the proposed development. A separate calculation for each area that has a different use should be performed.
   Calculation: Select the use that best describes the proposed usage, from Table 1 below. Then multiply the Floor Area (sq. ft) by the Annual Tons Generated for the usage selected.
   Sample Calculation for Food Retail:
[Area in sq. ft. 3,000] x [Annual Waste Generated 0.0057 tons/sq. ft.] =
17 Annual Tons Generated for specified usage.
   Sample Calculation for an Office or Professional Services:
[Area in sq. ft. 2,000] x [Annual Waste Generated 0.0013 tons/sq. ft.] =
2.6 Annual Tons Generated for specified usage
Table 1: Annual Waste Generated Based On Proposed Usage
1. Office, Professional Services or Small Retail Use
0.0013 tons/sq. ft.
2. Industrial Use
0.0016 tons/sq. ft.
3. Food Retail, Multi-Family, Large Commercial
0.0057 tons/sq. ft.
4. Public Facility and Large Retail
0.00105 tons/sq. ft.
5. School and Institution
0.00105 tons/sq. ft.
6. Warehouses
0.00155 tons/sq. ft.
(Table 1, Data is obtained from Fairfax County Virginia Solid Waste Stream Calculation Reference)
   Estimated conversion factors for solid waste 3.0 lbs/gal. and 600 lbs/ cu.yd.
   B.   Determine the size and collection frequency required for the Annual Tons Generated for specified usage:
   Sample Calculation for Food Retail Above: 17 Annual Tons Generated
      [17 tons/year] / [52 weeks /year] = 0.329 tons /wk.
      [0.329 tons/week] x [2000 lbs/ton] = 658 lbs/wk.
   Size of , [658 lbs /wk] / [3.0 lbs/gal] = 219 gal/wk, this volume is greater than an APC of 95 gal/wk. Therefore, a metal must be selected.
   Selecting a 2 cubic yard /wk = [2 cu.yd./wk] x [202 gal/cu.yd] = 404 al/wk.
   Therefore, 404 gal/wk will be adequate service for a Food Retail business of 3000 sq. ft. The 2 cubic yard metal /wk is adequate.
   Sample Calculation for an Office or Professional Services Above: 2.6 Annual Tons Generated
      [2.6 tons/years] / [52 weeks / years] = 0.052 tons / week
      [0.052 tons/week] x [2000 lbs/ton] = 100 lbs/wk
   Size of , [100 lbs /wk] / [3.0 lbs/gal] = 33.33 gal/wk, this volume is less then an APC of 95 gal/wk.
   Therefore, a 95 gal/wk APC will be adequate for specified usage.
   Figure 1: 45 Degree Enclosure ‘Option’ Off Residential Streets
   Figure 2: Structural Design for Enclosure Walls
   Figure 3A: Double Metal Enclosure (2 to 8 cubic yards)
   Figure 3B: Single Metal Enclosure (2 to 8 cubic yards)
   Figure 4: 30 & 45 Degree Enclosures off Alleys
   Figure 5: 30 & 45 Degree Enclosures off PAAL’s
   Figure 6: Turnaround for Service Vehicles
   Figure 7: Turning Radii/Turnaround for Service Vehicles
   Figure 8: Specifications for 90 Gallon APCs
   Figure 9: Specifications for 300 Gallon APCs
Figure 1: 45 Degree Enclosure ‘Option’ Off Residential Streets
Figure 2: Structural Design for Enclosure Walls
Figure 3A: Double Metal Enclosure (2 to 8 cubic yards)
Figure 3B: Single Metal Enclosure (2 to 8 cubic yards)
Figure 4: 30 & 45 Degree Enclosures off Alleys
Figure 5: 30 & 45 Degree Enclosures off PAAL’s
Figure 6: Turnaround for Service Vehicles
Figure 7: Turning Radii/Turnaround for Service Vehicles
Figure 8: Specifications for 90 Gallon APCs
Figure 9: Specifications for 300 Gallon APCs