In order to attain the maximum benefit from the seeded materials, it is necessary to till the soil prior to seeding. The method and use of fertilizers, seeding, mulching, tackifiers, etc., will vary per
-specific situations. The applicant is expected to do whatever is necessary to prepare the
to guarantee plant establishment to the satisfaction of the city.
that will require revegetation will vary considerably. Some
with little
and with soil textures and structures conducive to capturing rainfall or capable of being modified to capture rainfall can be revegetated on rainfall alone. Some
may require short-term irrigation to achieve plant establishment. The applicant will not be required by the city to irrigate but will, however, be responsible for successful establishment of vegetation using the appropriate seeding/irrigation method.
A stand of vegetation shall be considered established when:
A minimum of one perennial seeded species per square foot has rooted, developed true leaves, and is in a state of continual positive growth, and the interspace area between perennial species has a minimum of one annual or perennial plant in any stage of development or growth other than seed.
A. Exhibit I, Native Seed List, was derived from the Low Water Use/Drought Tolerant Plant List as known native vegetation. The list is not inclusive of all native vegetation. For alternative selections, refer to Section 5-02.3.2, Native Seeds.
The seed list is established as a guide on how to mix the various types of seeds to provide a varying mix of native plant growth on the
giving it a more natural appearance. The pounds per acre listing is a guide for use by the designer to achieve a minimum growth pattern to the seeded area. Specific rates are based on the seeds that are used in the mix. The seed mix is to be certified by the seed supplier as to the growth coverage projected.
B. The ADWR Low Water Use/Drought Tolerant Plant List is prepared for use within the Tucson Active Management Area (TAMA) by the ADWR.
In order to use plants not listed in ADWR Low Water Use/Drought Tolerant Plant List, the plants are to be approved through the following process.
A. Any person seeking to add or delete a plant or plants from the low water use plant list may submit an application for modification of the list at any time to the Director of the ADWR. The application is made on a form prescribed and furnished by the Director of the ADWR.
B. The ADWR Director reviews each request for modification of the low water use plant list. The Director may request additional information from the applicant and may seek information from other sources as may be necessary to determine whether the list should be modified.
C. If the addition of a plant to the low water use plant list is approved, the ADWR Director will place the plant on a supplemental list as an addendum to the low water use plant list. The supplemental list shall be available upon request from the ADWR.
D. If the ADWR Director approves the deletion of a plant from the Low Water Use/Drought Tolerant Plant List, the deletion from the list will be issued with the annual modified review plant list.
E. The ADWR Director conducts an annual review of the low water use plant list and issues a modified plant list. As a result of the review, the Director may add or delete plants from the list.