Sec. 21-60.   Gene Reid Park Zoo improvement fund.
   (a)   The director of the department of finance shall establish the Gene Reid Park Zoo (Zoo) improvement fund (fund). The fund shall consist of all revenues collected from the tax authorized under Tucson Charter (TC) Chapter IV, Section 5 as well as any interest earned on those monies. The director shall deposit all monies in the fund and all accounts therein as provided by TC Chapter 19. The director shall credit monies earned from these investments to the fund.
   (b)   Money deposited in the fund shall:
   (1)   be used for capital improvements, operations, and maintenance at the Zoo;
   (2)   be appropriated by the mayor and council only for the purposes set forth in this Section; and
   (c)   Supplement and not supplant the monies that would otherwise be appropriated by the mayor and council to the Zoo.
(Ord. No. 11518, § 2, 1-23-18)