A. Short Title: This title shall be known as the TROY ZONING ORDINANCE and is adopted pursuant to authority granted by Idaho Code title 67, chapter 65; and article 12, section 2 of the Idaho constitution, as amended or subsequently codified. For purposes of promoting pride of ownership, and health, safety and general welfare within its jurisdiction, the city enacts this title and the city is hereby divided into the following zoning districts:
R-1 | Single-family residential |
R-2 | Two-family residential |
R-3 | Multiple-family residential |
R-M | Residential manufactured home or mobile home |
C-1 | Central business |
C-2 | Highway commercial |
IND | Industrial |
INAG | Industrial/agricultural |
B. Uses Conform To Regulations: The use of land or premises shall conform to the regulations set forth in the zoning districts, unless otherwise provided by this title.
C. Buildings, Structures Require Conformance: No building or structure shall be structurally altered or erected or used unless otherwise provided for in this title except in conformity with the regulations herein set forth for the zoning districts in which such building or structure is located.
D. Intent; Objectives:
1. It is the intent of this title to guide development and to regulate the use of land within the jurisdiction of the city. This title is designed to lessen traffic congestion, to secure safety from fire, panic and other dangers; to prevent the overcrowding of land; to avoid undue concentration of population; and to facilitate the adequate provision of transportation, water, sewage, schools, parks, and other public requirements. Furthermore, this title is based upon the adopted comprehensive plan and is enacted for the convenience and general welfare of the residents of the city.
2. This title will have the following objectives:
a. To implement the policies of the comprehensive plan.
b. To protect the residential, commercial, industrial uses and public areas from the unreasonable intrusion of incompatible uses.
c. To provide for appropriately located residential areas with a variety of dwelling types and density ranges.
d. To protect the natural beauty of the city by encouraging creativity in the design of future developments.
e. To encourage the proper distribution and compatible integration of commercial and industrial uses within designated areas.
f. To provide that future additions and alterations to, or remodeling of, existing buildings or structures is completed in a reasonable time and in compliance with this title. (Ord. 2001-04, 8-27-2001)