Any person may petition for amendment of this title or any zoning district. The amendment procedure shall be as described in this section and in Idaho Code section 67-6511.
   A.   Application; Fee: The property owner or developer shall file a properly completed application form, the required supporting materials, and the required application fee with the planning and zoning commission.
   B.   Planning Commission Hearing: The planning and zoning commission shall place a hearing on the application on the agenda for the next regular commission meeting for which the notice requirements can be met. Notice requirements for an amendment shall be as set forth in Idaho Code section 67-6519(b) and in section 9-4-12 of this chapter.
   C.   Contract For Review: The planning and zoning commission may contract with a planner or other professional for review of the application, with the cost of that review being covered by the application fee. Such reviews shall be prepared in the form of a written report submitted to the commission for use at the hearing. The commission shall, upon its receipt, provide a copy of this report to the property owner or developer and place it on file for public review with the other application materials.
   D.   Hearing: The planning and zoning commission shall conduct a hearing on the proposed amendment following the procedures established in section 9-4-16 of this chapter. No application for an amendment shall be reviewed if the property owner or developer, or a representative, is not present.
   E.   Determination Of Compliance; Recommendation: The planning and zoning commission shall determine whether the proposed amendment is consistent with the comprehensive plan and recommend to the city council that the amendment be approved or disapproved.
   F.   Consideration By Council: The planning and zoning commission decision shall be considered by the city council in a timely fashion.
   G.   Council Decision: The city shall notify the property owner or developer and interested parties of the council's decision within ten (10) days, but no amendment to this title shall become effective until that amendment has been adopted as an ordinance and published as required by law. (Ord. 2001-04, 8-27-2001)